We rode fast with Branford’s arm wrapped tightly around my center, holding me back against his chest as we sped through the darkening sky. As I looked from one edge of the road to the other, I could not help but imagine what might be out there—who might be out there—watching us and waiting. Images of Thomas would not leave my mind, and silent tears fell sporadically as Branford’s lips touched the side of my face, and his whispered words attempted to bring me comfort.

I nearly cried out in relief when the castle gates loomed up ahead. I was given to Dunstan to watch over as soon as we arrived at the castle’s entrance, and Branford went immediately to speak with Camden.

He did not return to me that night though he was in our bed come morning. He did not stir at all in his sleep when I rose, and I did not wish to disturb his rest, so I left our rooms quietly. Colin and another guard I did not recognize were outside our doors. They both watched over me at a respectable distance as I ate breakfast with Janet and went to the marketplace to find more of the right color thread to finish Branford’s baldric.

Branford had apparently awakened and had already left our rooms when I returned. I sat with Janet and Sunniva in the Women’s Room, embroidering and speaking of sewing and cooking. I managed to finish the baldric and asked Sunniva when she thought I should give it to him.

“His birthday is next month,” Sunniva told me. “It would be a fine gift.”

I smiled, glad I had asked. It had not even occurred to me to ask the day of his birth. After all, birthdays were only celebrated by those of noble blood, and I had never even had the need to know my own. I only knew that I was born shortly after harvest.

I returned to our rooms with the baldric and embroidered blanket wrapped in a large leather sack. Branford had not come back, and I decided to go looking for him in the most obvious place—the field near the horse stables, where he was likely either with his horse or his dogs. I tried to ignore the two men who followed me nearly everywhere I went, but it was difficult to become accustomed to their presence.

When I reached the field, the dog pack was near the edge of the woods, sniffing at the trails and chasing squirrels. Romero was nowhere to be seen, so I walked toward the stable.

Branford was inside along with Dunstan and another man dressed as a forester. My husband stood with one hand on his sword and his other hand in his hair, pulling at the tips like he often did when he was upset or concerned.

“Four hundred of them, sire,” Dunstan was saying. “How could they possibly amass such a number in such a short time?”

“It makes no sense,” Branford said, seeming to agree. “Are you sure of the numbers?”

“Positive, sire,” the forester said.

“In that location, it could hardly be anyone else,” Branford said.

I stepped through the doorway, and all three heads turned to me. I felt warmth in my cheeks and wondered if I would continue to blush like a child every time my husband’s eyes met mine.

“Alexandra,” he said. “What brings you here?”

“I was looking for you,” I said and suddenly felt foolish. I looked back to the way I had come, wondering if I should just leave him and return on my own. I decided to at least bring up a practical matter so I didn’t appear to have come out here for no real reason at all. “It is nearly dinnertime.”

Branford glanced back to his companions and then walked to me, taking my hands in his.

“Of course it is,” he said quietly. “Let’s return to the castle and get you fed, my beautiful wife.”

His lips touched the edge of my cheek for only a moment before he took my arm and led me back to the castle. He had our meal brought to our rooms and spoke of the dogs and the horses as we ate. As soon as the meal was finished, he stood to leave.

“I must speak with Camden,” Branford said. “I’ll return shortly.”

“You will be here then?” I asked timidly. “In the night, I mean?”

“Yes, of course.”

“It’s just…you haven’t been.”

He looked at me darkly.

“Do not concern yourself with such things, Alexandra,” he said. “It will only cause you stress.”

I lowered my gaze to the floor and felt my teeth sink into my lip. Branford touched my chin and he tilted my face to look at him. His eyes held such a strange and sad expression. I did not know what to make of it.

“I will return to you,” he said. “I swear it.”

Several hours later, when I had nearly given up, he did return. He took me to our bed and held me tight against him as he lay on top of me, burying himself within me and crying out my name as he filled me. His mouth left soft kisses on my neck, but when he looked up to my face, I could still see the sadness in his eyes.

“Please, Branford,” I begged. “Please tell me.”

He shook his head slowly as he rolled onto his back, taking me with him and cradling my head on his chest.