“She…she would never look to another,” I replied as I turned my cheek to touch his. “This is her home now, and she wants only him.”

“She hardly knows him.”

“She has learned much in a short time,” I told him. I turned my head further so I could see his eyes, his heavy brows pulled down over them. I reached up to touch his smooth cheek. “She knows him quite well.”

“Do I still frighten you?” he asked, dropping the pretense.

“No,” I answered him. “I know you would not hurt me.”

“Alexandra,” he murmured as he pulled me closer to his body. “You have been…truly…I cannot…”

He sighed and took a slight step back, separating us enough for him to turn me to face him. He cupped the side of my face as he stared into my eyes.

“Alexandra, I—”

Behind us, the sound of someone clearing his throat halted Branford’s words. Branford sighed, seeming more exasperated than angry as he turned around. Both Dunstan and Colin were there, their heads bowed slightly. Colin fidgeted from one foot to the other.

“My apologies, sire,” Dunstan said with a nod. “There is a matter that…needs your attention.”

Branford narrowed his eyes at the young man, and for a moment, they seemed to be having an unspoken conversation.

“Of course,” he finally answered. “Alexandra, forgive me. Colin will take you back to our rooms.”

I looked from Bran

ford to Dunstan and tried not to show too much concern as I nodded, and Colin—the young man who guarded me when Dunstan was otherwise occupied—led me back to the castle. Janet greeted me and asked if I was ready for a meal, but I had no appetite. Dunstan’s sudden appearance had me on edge, and I didn’t know what to think of it.

Branford never liked it when we were interrupted, yet he had not been at all angry with Dunstan when he approached us. His uncharacteristic acceptance of the intrusion was too out of character for my moody husband. It worried me, but I could not think of anything Dunstan would have had to say that was so urgent.

A knock at the door startled me out of my thoughts, and I quickly went through the archway into the morning room to open it. My eyes went wide when I opened the door to find King Camden standing on the other side.

As far as I knew, he had not come to our rooms since Branford had brought me from Hadebrand. I had no idea what might have prompted his visit now. In my shock, I simply stood with my hand on the door and stared at him until he cleared his throat and raised his brows at me.

“Alexandra,” he said, “are you quite all right?”

“Yes, my king,” I replied automatically. Then I realized I was still standing there gawking at him. “Oh! My king! I am sorry! Please, come in.”

“Thank you.”

“Branford is not here,” I told him. “He stayed behind with his dogs…”

King Camden walked into the room and just looked at me, a wry grin on his face. I realized how silly I sounded and felt my cheeks flush. I closed the door softly.

“May I fix you some tea?” I finally asked.

“No, thank you, Alexandra,” King Camden said. “I really just came to speak with you.”

Speak with me? What would the king wish to discuss with me? I felt my chest tighten in panic.

“Of course, my king,” I said softly.

“Alexandra,” King Camden said with a slight shake of his head, “we are behind closed doors, and you are married to my adopted son. You may refer to me as Camden.”

I was not sure if I could, but I still nodded to him.

“In fact, it is about Branford I wished to speak,” he said.

“About Branford?” I echoed.