I felt his chest muscles contract under the side of my face, and his arms gripped me tighter for a moment before he relaxed again.

“What do you mean, you saw me?”

“You were in the garden,” I said. “While I was waiting for you, I went out to see what it looked like at night. You were there…with that lady.”


“You were talking…and I heard you say…” I paused, both to try to remember his exact words as well as wonder what on earth I thought I was doing. If my words were taken as an accusation—right or wrong—against my husband and prince, the consequences could be dire. He owned me, and if he decided to either cast me out for the favor of a new wife or keep me to the side as he entertained himself with someone else, there would be nothing I could do about it.

“Say what, Alexandra?”

“That you would have to replace me.”

“Replace you?” Branford’s eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed. “I never said anything like that!”


“You did,” I said emphatically, though I kept my voice quiet. “You said it was so soon, and you weren’t sure how quickly you should replace me.”

Branford’s eyes widened.

“We were talking about Lily,” he said softly, then shook his head slowly. “I was not referring to you, Alexandra.”

“You weren’t?”

“No, and I’m a little angry you would think so little of me. I chose you, Alexandra. If I hadn’t intended to keep you as my wife, why would I have chosen you in the first place?”

“You wanted to…to upset King Edgar.”

“And I did,” Branford said with a sly grin.

“You have already accomplished that goal,” I said, reasoning. “Since we haven’t completed our union, you could send me away.”

“I would have completed it on the first night!” he shouted suddenly. “If I wanted to replace you, I wouldn’t have even considered bedding you!”

Branford closed his eyes, and he took a couple of deep breaths. I could see the tension rise in his shoulders and slowly dissipate again with each breath.

“Last night I asked you to trust me,” Branford said, “and you did. Did I do what I said I would do?”

I nodded, my head reeling a little from his swift change in moods.

“Did I hurt you?”


“Did you like it?”

I nodded again, blushing.

“Trust me again now,” he said. “You are going to remain my wife, and I will remain your husband. No one can change that.”

My mind fluttered back to the words I heard in the garden, the pretty woman holding his hands and beckoning him to her. I wanted to press the issue further. Where did they go and what did she give him? I was concerned I had only barely dodged his anger though, and I wasn’t sure the answer was worth his wrath.

“Will you trust me, Alexandra?”

“Yes, my…Branford.”

He covered my hand with his and pulled it up to his mouth. I followed the motion with my gaze as he brought my fingers to his lips and pressed gently along my knuckles. The rough skin of his unshaven face tickled my hand. Taking a deep breath, I opened my hand and slowly touched the edge of his jaw, the rough stubble of hair scratching the pads of my fingers.