I hesitated, having absolutely no idea how I should present myself to my new king and queen. Should I also be on my knees? Curtsy? Without knowing the correct custom, I was at a loss. Deciding it would be best to show my allegiance in a matter similar to my husband, I also dropped to my knees, still slightly behind him.

I immediately heard gasps followed quickly by snickers. Branford glanced over to me, his eyes narrowed, then turned back. I could hear a distinctive rumble in his chest. I noticed Sir Parnell still standing to Branford’s right and slightly behind, just as I had been on Branford’s left. I tried to quell the panic rising inside of me, as well as hold back the tears I could feel starting in my eyes. I wasn’t doing anything right at all, obviously, and I froze. Perhaps if I held myself completely still, no one would take any notice of me. At least, I hoped to convince myself of that.

“My King,” Branford said fluidly, “I return to your service. My sword and my life are yours.”

“Welcome, Sir Branford,” King Camden said. His bright blue gaze traveled over all of us. He wore robes of gold and black over his clothing, and a simple crown of gold sat atop his head. “Rise. I think you must have some…news.”

“Yes, sire,” Branford said. He stood and offered his hand to help me stand as well. He took a deep breath and slowly shook his head from one side to the other, obviously embarrassed by me yet again. I kept my eyes to the ground. “I would like to introduce you to Alexandra”—he paused for much, much too long as the rest of the hall stood in complete silence, gawking at me as I kept my eyes to the floor, though I had no trouble sensing their gazes upon me—“my wife.”

Audible gasps echoed through the hall.

“Is this some kind of joke, Sir Branford?” King Camden asked. “I’ll have you know I’m not in the mood.”

“No, Sire,” Branford said. “I was offered my choice of brides after winning the Grand Tournament. Alexandra was my choice.”

“Alexandra was your choice?” King Camden repeated. Queen Sunniva reached out and laid her hand gently on her husband’s forearm.

“Alexandra of…?” Queen Sunniva asked, prompting. I felt whatever blood was left drain from my face.

“Alexandra of Silverhelm, wife of Sir Branford,” Branford replied with raised brows. “She is my wife, and she has rights to my titles.”

King Camden’s eyes narrowed at his nephew.

“Clear the hall.” King Camden’s voice was low and seemingly calm though his eyes as they stared at his nephew and heir were far too similar to the scorching look Branford gave the carriage driver outside. I turned slightly, wondering where I should go once I was outside.

“Stay where you are,” Branford said softly. I stopped and turned back, my gaze still on the floor and my lower lip nestled neatly between my teeth. I held my hands tight to my belly to keep them from shaking. I could feel everyone’s gaze upon me as they slowly filed out through the huge doors behind us. Within a few minutes, the guards had escorted everyone from the hall save the king and queen, Sir Parnell, and the dark-haired woman standing with her arms crossed next to Queen Sunniva’s chair. As soon as the rest were gone, King Camden stood.

“Branford, what in God’s name did you do?”

“I married,” Branford answered simply. “Just yesterday. I’m afraid I was a little…impatient.”

He glanced over to me and smiled slightly.

“This must be a jest.”

“No, Sire.” Branford squared his shoulders and stood a little taller. “I’ve taken Alexandra as my wife. We were married yesterday afternoon.”

The dark-haired woman who had been standing to the side of Queen Sunniva took a sudden, sharp breath and stalked down the stairs to stand in front of Branford. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Sir Parnell was taking shuffling side steps away from Branford’s shoulder. She craned her neck, for she was no taller than I, and her eyes blazed up at him. She pulled her arm back, and the resounding crack of her palm across Branford’s face echoed throughout the hall.

“How dare you, Branford?” she screamed at him. Then she turned quickly to Branford’s right and caught Sir Parnell in her vision. “And you were there with him? I am so angry at both of you right now, I can’t even see straight.”

The woman turned on her heel and stalked out of the room.

“I told you,” I heard Sir Parnell mumble under his breath. “If I end up out in the cold tonight, it will be entirely your fault.”

Branford snorted down his nose and then looked back up to King Camden.

“You were supposed to guarantee the joining of Silverhelm with Hadebrand!” Camden suddenly yelled, and I couldn’t help but shudder at the sound of his voice. “You were supposed to take Princess Whitney’s hand! What in the name of God were you thinking?”

“I was thinking that I will not be used in such a way!” Branford yelled back. “I will not have you dictate who my wife will be, especially if you were expecting me to wed the spawn of the man who killed your brother!”

“Branford!” Queen Sunniva gasped, her hand placed against her chest.

“We all know it,” Branford stated. “We all know Edgar had him slaughtered for Sterling lands. Lands! And you really expected me to go through with marrying Whitney? Did you really, really expect me to do that?”

“I most certainly did!” Camden shouted back.

I cringed and found it more difficult to breathe. My husband was yelling at a king, and I was the cause of it. My head felt dizzy at the thought, and my hands had gone cold and clammy.