His finger traced over my cheek, and for a moment, I closed my eyes to the feeling.

“I think they will find you quite captivating,” he said, “just as I have. Once they get used to the idea, of course.”

“The idea, my lord?”

Branford snickered softly.

“The idea that the prince is returning home with a commoner wife,” he stated succinctly. “It will take time for them to accept you, some longer than others.”

“I understand,” I replied quietly. I did understand—far more than I wanted. If the nobles of Silverhelm were anything like those of Hadebrand, and they undoubtedly were, they were not going to appreciate my presence in their midst. I turned my head away from him, and the feel of his fingers against my cheek was quite distracting. He would have none of that, apparently, and took my chin in his hand, turning me to face him.

“You are my wife, Alexandra,” he stated simply. “I will defend your position.”

“Yes, my lord.” I had no choice but to believe him.

His eyes held such intensity that I was unable to look away. He moved his thumb to my lower lip and traced a fine line across it. He leaned forward slowly, his eyes remaining steadfast on mine until his mouth reached my lips, and he placed a gentle kiss there.

“My wife,” he said softly when he broke away. I could only nod in agreement. His lips met mine one more time before he sat back and grinned at me. “We are nearly home.”

It wasn’t more than a few minutes before the carriage came to an abrupt stop right in front of King Camden’s castle. Branford opened the carriage door and jumped to the wet earth below. I started to follow, but just as I was about to step to the ground, one of the horses took a step forward, pulling the carriage slightly and causing me to lose my balance. Though I could see Branford’s shocked look and his attempt to grab for me, it was too late. I tumbled into the mud below.

And that is how I arrived at my new home.

Chapter 5—Warmly Welcome

I cried out as I watched the puddle of mud come closer and closer to me. With my feet tangled in my skirts, I could do nothing to stop myself except to put my hands out and hope for the best. Of course, I fell flat on my face. For a moment, I couldn’t speak or even breathe as water splashed all around me, flying up into the air and coming back down to land all over my back. I pushed up with my hands and coughed as water dripped from my face and hair and then back into the puddle where it started. A thousand thoughts went through my head at once, starting with whose dress I might be wearing and how I was ever going to get it clean to finishing with wondering if Branford might decide to dismiss me, based on my propensity for accidents. I was so stunned and mortified, I couldn’t even answer Branford when he called to me.

“Alexandra!” Branford cried. “Are you hurt?”

I just coughed in response.

“Alexandra!” he called again. “Have you been injured?”

“No, my lord,” I finally managed to mumble. Injured, no. Horribly embarrassed and feeling about as small as I could be, yes. I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees, and Branford grabbed me by both of my arms, easily lifting me to my feet. I was drenched in dirty brown water, and the dress I was wearing would surely take hours to clean. I chanced a look into Branford’s eyes. They were blazing hot green, and I could only imagine this was what someone’s eyes looked like when they were actually seeing red. I thought I could feel his hands shaking slightly as they gripped my upper arms.

Branford leaned close to me and ran his thumb over my cheekbone, which he had done several times now. I was not accustomed to having a man touch me in such a way. Indeed, I didn’t think anyone had

ever touched me in any similar way, and I had rarely been touched by a man at all. It was a strangely tender action, and I didn’t know exactly what to think of it, especially when he was obviously so angry. I only knew it sent strange and unfamiliar tingles through my skin where he touched. He gripped my arm tightly with his other hand, likely afraid I was going to lose my balance and embarrass him further. I remembered our talk from our wedding night, his expectations of me and how I was to conduct myself in such a way as to not shame him. I had only been in his kingdom for a matter of minutes before I had failed.

“I’m sorry, my lord, I didn’t mean to—”

“Hush,” he said with a growl, and I obeyed. “Are you sure you are all right?”

“Yes, Branford,” I said softly, looking into his green eyes as they looked upon me. He used his fingers to wipe the water from my face and smooth out my hair. “I’m fine, thank you.”

“We’ll enter around the back.” He took a step backward and gave me a small smile, his eyes softening somewhat. “Parnell can find my sister, and she’ll get you something else to wear before you meet Camden and Sunniva.”

“I would like that,” I said and sighed softly in relief. I could not imagine what the King and Queen of Silverhelm would think of me if I met them for the first time in a muddy dress, as if I hadn’t done enough to humiliate Branford already.

Branford ran his fingers through my hair once more and straightened it before he leaned down to brush his lips against my forehead. Then he turned quickly, his eyes going instantly dark again. He walked with purpose to the front of the carriage, reached up with one hand, and yanked the driver from his seat. Holding the man by his collar, Branford pushed him against the front of the carriage and drew his sword.

“Have you no skills with your horses at all?” His voice was a low snarl in his chest. He placed the tip of his sword at the driver’s throat. “Can you not control them? Do you see what you’ve done to my wife? Get on your knees!”

The poor man dropped to his knees in front of Branford, begging forgiveness and mercy. Branford yelled at him to be silent, and the man dropped forward, his palms to the ground. Branford took a step back and raised his sword. I suddenly realized his intent—he was going to kill the man for my clumsiness.

“Branford, no!” I cried out.

“Alexandra, stop!” I heard Sir Parnell’s voice but paid him no heed. I ran to Branford’s side and wrapped my hands around his sword arm.