Page 65 of Outnumbered

“Nothing to be sorry about.”

“It’s embarrassing. I hate being sick, especially in front of someone else.”

“Lie down,” I tell her. “Get some rest. You’ll probably feel better soon.”

Seri drops onto the bed and pulls the blanket up around her. I check out the fish we’ve been eating, wondering if it might have gotten contaminated, but it looks and smells just fine. I also feel fine, so I doubt whatever is wrong with Seri has to do with what she ate.

An hour later, she’s burning up with fever.

“Drink this.” I hand her another glass of water and help her sit up to drink it.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbles. “Like you haven’t done enough for me.”

“Stop apologizing for shit you can’t control.” I take the glass away and lower her back onto the pillow. “Do you want to try to eat anything?”

Seri shakes her head. I grab the small, round table by the chair and move it next to the bed.

“I’m going to leave the water here,” I tell her. “Drink it all, okay?”

“I’ll try.”

Within minutes, she’s rushing back to the bathroom. Time goes by, and she doesn’t come out.

“Seri?” No answer. “Seri!”

When she still doesn’t answer me, I open the door to find her on her knees in front of the toilet, nearly unconscious.

“No, don’t…”

Ignoring her, I pick her up and take her back to the bed. She’s sweating and her skin feels clammy. I tip over the bucket of kindling, emptying it onto the floor before bringing it to the side of the bed so Seri doesn’t have to get up. Every few minutes, I force a little more water into her, but she can’t keep it down.

The next morning, she isn’t any better. Her skin is practically grey. She can’t keep anything down, and I know she’s in trouble. I make sure she has access to the water and the bucket, and I leave some crackers in a small bowl for her. Once everything is set out, I start getting my winter gear on.

“Where are you going?” Seri asks. Her voice is weak.

“I’ve got to get the Jeep started,” I say. “I’m going into Whatì to get you some medicine.”

Chapter 19

After an hour of digging the Jeep out of the snow and charging up the battery, the Jeep starts with a final twist of the key. The engine roars, and I sigh audibly. I get it in low gear and slowly make my way through the snow.

Once I get on the road, traveling is much easier, and I can pick up speed. Whatì is only another mile and a half, and I make it to the health clinic in reasonably good time, considering the conditions. Inside, I find Amanda, a nurse and friend of Margot’s.

“Bishop? Is that you?” Amanda bounces over, and her straight black hair threatens to fall from the loose bun on top of her head. Her nametag is crooked, but her smile is broad.


“Are you all right?”

“I need antibiotics. Something for fever.”

“Fever?” Amanda steps up and places the back of her hand on my forehead. “You look all right. Let me take you back and get your vitals. I thought you never got sick!”

“It’s not for me.” I take a deep breath. I probably should have planned a story of some sort or at least faked being sick, but I’d been more concerned with just getting Seri medicine, and it’s too late now. “Someone out at my place. She fell through a bit of ice at the edge of the marsh. I got her warmed up, but now she’s sick. I didn’t want to risk bringing her.”

“She?” Amanda raises an eyebrow. “Anyone I know?”

“No, just a tourist who got stuck in the storm. I think maybe she got pneumonia or something.”