Page 61 of Outnumbered

I prop myself up on my elbows and look down at her. As we lay there on the floor in front of the fire, I want to tell her how amazing that was. I want to tell her that I’ve never felt like this before and how I want to feel that way again and again. I want to beg her to promise to stay with me even after the snows melt.

I say none of these things because when I look into her eyes, I know she feels the same way.

Chapter 18

I wake to a warm, wet mouth around my cock.

“Holy shit!” I sit halfway up, my eyes wide open, to find the wicked gaze of Iris looking up at me as she sucks my dick to the back of her throat. I reach for her, but she pushes my hand away. With her gaze locked on mine, she sucks me in again, and I moan. A moment later, she releases me with one final lick.

“Did you have a nice evening?” Iris raises her eyebrows as she crawls over me and straddles my waist. “Get a good night’s sleep, did you?”

“What?” I shake my head, still cloudy from sleep. I don’t know what she’s going on about, and I have no idea what she expects me to say.

She places her hands on either side of me, and slides her body over my cock. I suck in my breath as she positions herself and slowly guides me inside. She fucks me slowly for a moment, still staring at me with a strange half grin.

“Do you like that?” Iris raises herself up again and then slams back down on me. “You like it, don’t you, Bishop?”

I nod and grip her hips.

“Do you like it as much as you did with her?” She drops down and places her palms against my chest. “Does it feel as good? Or does your cock prefer her pussy?”


“You think I don’t know?” She moves her hand up and grips my hair, pulling my head back as she glares down at me. “Do you think you can fuck my sister without me finding out about it?”

She releases my hair, grabs my hands from her hips, and pushes herself off of me. The cold air hits the sweat covering my body as Iris stomps over to the bed and grabs the blanket. She wraps it around herself and turns away from me.

What the fuck is happening here?

“Really, Bishop! What the fuck is wrong with you?”

I stare at her, tempted to hurtle the same words right back at her, but I’m not sure that’s wise. What the hell is she going on about?

“Don’t fucking lie to me, bitch!” My father’s fist made contact with my mother’s jaw. “Do you think you can fuck around without me finding out about it? Do you?”

I shake the memories from my head. The last thing I need right now is his voice ringing in my ears. My body reacts to the sound of Iris’s harsh voice with the release of adrenaline. I tense automatically, preparing for fight or flight.

“Are you seriously accusing me of…of cheating?” I toss my hands up in an expression of disbelief. “Is that what this is about?”

“What else would you call it?” she screams at me. “You slept with my sister! My sister!”

I feel like my brain is going to pop right out of my ears just trying to come to grips with what I’m hearing while simultaneously trying to keep memories of my father’s tirades from my head. I push myself to my feet and take a step closer to her.

“You’re the same person!” I yell.

“We are not!” she screams back at me. She closes the distance between us and shoves me, nearly dropping the blanket in the process.

I stumble backward, steady myself, and glare at her. I stand there, naked and confused, as I tear through my head, trying to come up with some kind of response to this ridiculous accusation.

“Go on,” Iris says, “tell me how you couldn’t help yourself. Tell me how it’s me you wanted, and you just didn’t know how to find me. Give me your fucking lame-ass excuses for not being able to control your cock!”

“Excuses?” I blink several times, wondering if this is all some kind of nightmare. I grab my jeans and yank them on. “Iris, I have no idea how I’m supposed to respond to this!”

“Don’t bother saying you’re sorry!” She grits her teeth and glares at me.


p; “Sorry? Sorry for what?” I have no idea what we’re even arguing about. None of this makes sense, and the yelling is turning me inside out. “You may not be the same person, but you’re still in the same body! I’m the first one to admit that this is as fucked up as it could possibly be, but you can’t blame me for that!”