Page 45 of Outnumbered

I move back, and she crawls up me, running her hands from my thighs to my chest. She lowers herself enough that I can feel her heat along my cock, and I remember my previous thoughts.

“I don’t any have condoms,” I tell her.


“So…couldn’t you get pregnant?” She’s so blunt, and though my question is an obvious one, I feel that she’s making me say it.

“Nope.” She licks her lips and runs her hand over my dick. “IUD. It’s fabulous for those unexpected forays into erotic trysts with mountain men in their cabins. Isn’t that in your romance book?”

“I don’t know—I haven’t read it yet. I don’t think so.”

“Well, it should be.” Without another word, she grabs my cock in her hand and lowers herself over me.

“Oh, fuck! Seri!”

“Bishop! You dog!” She laughs and smacks me on the shoulder hard enough for it to sting. I barely notice as she rocks back and forth, slowing the pace.


“You just called me Seri, silly boy. It’s quite the faux pas to call a woman by the wrong name during sex.”

“Wrong name?”

She leans forward, grabs the hair on the top of my head, and pulls my head back. She’s holding on by the roots, so the action isn’t painful at all but still takes me by surprise. I gasp and grab a hold of her hips as she raises herself until I’m almost out of her and then slams down. I throb inside of her, but she doesn’t fuck me. She tightens her grip on my hair and l

eans forward to run her teeth over the skin of my neck.

“Repeat after me,” she says softly into my ear. “Iris. I’ve got my cock shoved inside of Iris.”

My throat goes dry, and I can’t swallow. Iris is the name Seri used for her sister, the wild one with the crazy past who was always getting mixed up in shit. Iris, the sister whose body washed up on a river bank and whose killer was never caught. I tense as she tugs at my hair again.

“Iris.” She hisses the name into my ear.

I’m so lost in sensation, I can’t think straight. This should bother me. It should worry me. I should most likely be afraid for my life, but the warmth and the closeness of being inside of her…it’s too much. I can’t form a logical thought.

“Iris.” I gasp again as I squeeze my eyes shut. “I’ve got my…my cock inside of Iris.”

“Good boy.”

She leans back, places her palms flat against my stomach, and then starts moving up and down.

All I can do is stare up at her as pressure builds inside of me. My thighs tremble and my ass clenches as she slams me into her over and over again. She slows until I can catch my breath, and the sensation passes. Then she starts going again at a furious pace until sweat is pouring from my hairline, down my temples, and onto my neck.

“Jesus…Ser—ugh! Iris! Fuck!” I grab her hips and pull her onto me as I lose control and come with a long groan.

She grinds against me with her eyes closed, sending shockwaves down my cock and into my balls as she tightens around me with a high-pitched, nearly inhuman sound. She rocks against me a few times and then looks down with wide eyes. She shifts her weight and climbs off of me, smiling smugly. I roll over onto my stomach and rest my head on my arms. I’m breathing so hard, it feels as if my lungs are going to explode.

“That’s my boy,” Iris says as she smacks me on the ass.

Chapter 14

I sit up in bed, propped against a pillow, watching the sleeping woman beside me and wondering what the fuck her name is. I no longer think that I am the crazy one. Whatever the fuck is going on here, it’s not in my head, and it’s definitely not normal.

Seri, Netti, and now Iris.

If I make a trip out to the rocks where I found her, and her backpack is still buried in the snow by the side of the road, I might find some identification in it. Perhaps that would give me some kind of clue, but I’m not sure it would be enough.

The whole idea is insane, but little bits and pieces of strange, seemingly out-of-character behavior start falling into place. When she first woke up in the cabin, she was calm and serene. She called herself Netti and was emotionless and detached, just as she had been when she recited the story about her sister’s death. That was Netti.