Page 121 of Outnumbered


“This whole…‘me being just me’ thing.”

“Honestly, Seri—I don’t mind either way. Whether it’s you, or you and the others, I’ll find a way to be okay with it. I just need you—whatever form you take—to be here with me.”

“Well, whatever I am now, I think I’m going to stay this way. If you’re all right with it, I’d like to stay this way here.”

“That’s all I really want.”

Chapter 32

In the morning, we develop a lame story about Seri cutting herself and me falling on the woodpile when I went to help her. I don’t think Amanda believed us, but at least our wounds are properly treated and antibiotics obtained. On the way back, I spot Kyle’s abandoned SUV. It’s in a secluded enough area for now, but when the snow melts, someone will see it. Eventually, someone will ask questions.

“Your backpack is in the back,” I say.

“Leave it,” she replies. “There’s nothing in there I want now.”

“You sure?”


“Okay.” I’m a little surprised she doesn’t want to retrieve her items, but I’m not going to press. Kirk and Marty know about the backpack, and Kyle may have told others. Leaving it in the car might be a good idea. “We need to get rid of the car.”


I drive the abandoned car to Behchoko`. With the Hand Game tournament coming up, it probably won’t be noticed like it would be in Whatì, and I don’t want to drive it all the way to Yellowknife. Seri follows behind me in the Jeep. I don’t want to involve her in an actual crime, but there really isn’t any choice.

I leave the keys inside the SUV and walk over to the Jeep as Seri is climbing over to the passenger’s seat.

“You sure this will work?” she asks.

“Pretty sure,” I say. “Anyone who sees it will assume it belongs to someone coming to town to compete, and no one will pay any attention until after the tournament is over.”

“And you kept your gloves on so you wouldn’t leave fingerprints.” Seri nods as she stares out the window. “Don’t want to leave evidence. That’s why you burned all our clothes from that night along with the bodies. I really do need some clothes other than your T-sh

irts and sweatpants, you know. Do you think Margot would give me a job? Then I could buy—”



“You’re babbling.”


We drive in silence for a while.

“I’ve got money,” I tell her. “We can go into Whatì to look for some clothes. Actually, we could go back to Behchoko`. That area is more populated than Whatì and might have better options. If you want, we can go there now.”

“No,” Seri says. “Not today, anyway. I think I’m just a little…overwhelmed. Exhausted, too.”

“I know.” I reach over and grab her hand.

“Want to know something weird?” she asks.

“What’s that?”

“I feel a little lonely, too.” She gnaws at her lip as she stares down at our hands.