Page 72 of Outnumbered

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing,” she says. “I was thinking about one summer when I got food poisoning from one of those food carts near the beach. Bad clams. It’s the only thing that even comes close to how I felt yesterday.”

“You should finish those electrolyte drinks,” I say. “You lost a lot of fluids.”

“Ugh. Don’t remind me. I was terrified you were going to go into the bathroom after me and…well…”


“Yeah, very much TMI.”

I head to the kitchen for the electrolytes. I also reach up and grab a bottle of vitamins from the cupboard.

“I did go in,” I tell her. “It’s not like I had any other place to pee. And yeah, it was bad. Really bad. Solo didn’t even want to go in there.”

“Very funny!” She scowls at me.

“I’m serious! He tiptoed up to the door, took one whiff and ran away, rubbing at his nose!”

“He did not!” Seri laughs and then holds her stomach. “Ow! Don’t make me laugh anymore.”

“Sorry.” I can’t stop smiling. I hand her the bottle and one of the vitamins.

“What’s this?”

“A vitamin. Help you get some nutrients back, too.”

“Is this a cartoon character?” She holds the vitamin up between two fingers, squishing it slightly and laughing. “It’s a gummy!”


ut it,” I say with a grumble. “I can’t swallow those big pills.”

She covers her mouth with her hand but can’t stop laughing.

“What is so funny?”

“It’s just…you’re this big, rugged mountain man living in the middle of nowhere, and you eat gummy vitamins.”

“The orange ones are the best.” I grin.

“Do they taste different?”

“No, but they’re shaped like bunnies.”

“Very funny!” She scowls at me and then smiles again.

“You do seem like you are feeling better.”

“I am,” she says. “I should probably get in there and clean the bathroom.”

“Already did it.”

“You did?” She covers her face with her hands. “Oh my God! I’m so sorry!”

“It’s all right,” I say. “Really. You were just sick. Everyone gets sick sometimes.”

“So who takes care of you when you get sick?”