Page 63 of Outnumbered

“Netti says so. Seri has to be protected.”

“From what?” I ask. “You and Netti have both said that, but I don’t know what you’re afraid of.”

I wait patiently for an answer, but she says nothing. For a moment, I think she has fallen asleep, but she suddenly moves to wrap her arms around my neck.

“Don’t let him kill us,” Iris whispers.


“Don’t let him. You can have us both if you want. Just don’t let him kill us. Please, Bishop.”

Her plea stings my heart. I need to know more, but it’s obvious I’m not going to get any straight answers from her, not now. I can only reassure her in the best way I know how.

“I won’t let anyone hurt you.” I stroke her hair and speak softly.


“I’ll protect you. I swear,” I tell her. “I’ll protect all of you.”

She nods silently as she clings to my neck. Eventually, her crying subsides, and she shivers. I pull the blanket up around her shoulders and hold her close to me.

“I’m sorry I’m such a pain in the ass,” she says with a humorless laugh.

“Yeah, you’re all kinds of fun.” I take a deep breath and kiss the top of her head. “It’s all right.”

“You care about Seri.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“If you hurt her, Bishop, I swear to God I will fucking gut you!”

“Don’t start that again,” I mumble. “I’m not sure if I can take any more of this.”

“I mean it!”

“Did I hurt her?” I take Iris’s face in my hands and stare into her eyes. “Huh? You look down deep and maybe consider asking her or something. I didn’t hurt her, and you know it.”

She looks away from me, but I turn her head back until she meets my gaze again.

“I wouldn’t hurt Seri.” I lean in close so my breath is touching her face. “I wouldn’t hurt any of you.”

Iris grits her teeth and turns away from me with her eyes closed. I let out a long sigh and loosen my grip on her.

“Lie back down,” I say as I lead her back to the rug in front of the fireplace. “You’re cold.”

Iris lies down beside me and places her head on my shoulder. I pull the blanket around us, making sure it’s not too close to the fire.

“It’s still cheating,” she says with a grumble.

“No, it isn’t.” I reach over and stroke her hair. “If I can put up with all of you in there, you can deal with the fact that there is enough of me to go around.”

“I still had you first.” Iris snickers.

“Yeah, yeah.” I hug her to me, suddenly understanding how extremely fragile she is. Despite Iris’s harsh words, Seri is the strong one.

“I guess I don’t really mind sharing you,” she says quietly.

“Sharing, huh?” I swallow hard. “Do I get a say in this?”