Page 11 of My Curvy Belle

I’m sure some people would say it’s unfair. I’ve fucked everything with a heartbeat. Some of them would’ve done anything to get my ring on their finger, and I’ve chosen to settle down with a ‘good girl’. Whatever!

“I think I’m going to be here for a little while at least.” Okay, so I can breathe a little easier. Though that little while shit is for the birds.

“And what do you have planned while you’re here?”

“I haven’t given it much thought. I just needed to get away from life for a while.” I stopped walking and turned to look at her. She finally turned to look at me and I almost lost my damn train of thought. How is she so fucking beautiful?

It wasn’t just her face. Looking into her eyes I could almost get lost for sure. But it was more the way I felt inside being this close to her and a whole host of other things that I didn’t have a name for just yet.

“You’re too beautiful to let anyone make you step away from your life. It’s too short for that shit. I know you’re recently divorced. I’m gonna ask you about that in a minute, but I will tell you, you don’t give that much of yourself to someone who don’t deserve it.”

She looked a bit taken aback but I’ll give her an A for effort because she regrouped really fast. I’ma call her the comeback queen. Either that or the attitude princess. Girl has it in spades.

“How do you know that it wasn’t my fault?” I took my time and gave her an honest answer.

“I don’t see it.” That seemed to stump her and it was her step that faltered.

“Thank you…I guess.”

“I’m only going to ask you one thing. Please tell me you didn’t marry a man who was dumb enough to let go of someone like you.”

She blushed like her grandma and turned her face away. “You don’t know what kind of person I am. Maybe he was right to walk away.” The sadness in her voice made my gut hurt.

“I don’t believe that, you know why? Because I’ve only been in your presence twice and I can already tell that you’re good to the core.” I saw the surprise that flashed in her eyes before she lowered her lids.

It’s true! I don’t know how or why I know it, but I feel it deep in my gut. I’m not usually one to jump into shit feet first, and I hardly ever take anything at face value.

I just spent the last ten years in the land of make believe, where people can change character at the flip of a coin. But something told me that that sweet outer shell enveloped an even sweeter core beneath.

We walked on and I kept the conversation light. Asking her things like how she liked the area, just to get a feel for her thoughts. It wasn’t easy getting her to open up, but it wasn’t the nightmare I’d imagined either.

She didn’t remain tense for long once she realized that I wasn’t about to jump her and take it. It was tough, but I kept myself in check and didn’t spend the whole walk looking at her ass and tits.

Now I’m one of those rare breeds that can tell within five minutes if I was gonna like someone. In the past that shit was my measuring stick because I knew I wasn’t gonna be with that person for longer than a couple fucks, or four.

With this one, there was way more on the line. I was treading unfamiliar waters, trying to find my footing. And uncharacteristically for me, caring more about her feelings than my own.


We came to the little stream that ran along the back of her grandma’s property and stopped. I wonder why all my childhood haunts got me to thinking about her and I sharing time together in the places I’d once loved.

I could see us skinny dipping under the moonlight. Her trying to be quiet while I fuck her so her screams and moans don’t travel to her grandma up at the house.

She’d tapped into something inside me, something that had never been exposed before. I ain’t never in my life imagined doing shit with a female other than a good hard fuck. True story.

I moved in the kind of circles where everyone pretty much knew the rules of the game. Everyone was basically looking for a good time before moving on to the next.

The kinda shit my mama and grandma would have a screaming fit over if they only knew the half of it. As we stood there looking out over the water, I thought of how life had come full circle.

Was it fate that had brought me back here at this time? Did she have anything to do with my sudden hungering for home? I know the old folks in these parts believe in that hoodoo shit, but I was never one to accept.