“You want to talk?”

“Is there more to say?” Zane asked. His voice carried a cautious undertone. “I’m angry, you’re sorry.”

“Honestly?” Ty said, losing the teasing note. “I think we have shit tons of things to talk about.”

Zane frowned, looking pained. But he nodded in agreement.

The elevator lurched as they reached their floor. Ty waited for the doors to open before he stepped closer and took Zane’s hand in his.

Zane laced his fingers with Ty’s, and the frown faded, replaced by an unusual vulnerability. “This isn’t going to keep me angry.”

“Yeah, that’s not exactly my plan,” Ty whispered as he led Zane down the hallway. They passed a few people on their way to their door, but he never let go of Zane’s hand. He didn’t let go of it as he fished his key out of one of his many pockets and unlocked the door, and once they were inside, he didn’t let go of it after he let Zane drop his bag. Instead, he pulled Zane closer to kiss him.

Zane’s free hand dug under Ty’s trench coat to slide around his waist, pulling Ty to him as their lips met.

Ty’s eyes fell shut and all the tension drained out of him as he wrapped around his lover. Zane was so warm, and his familiar scent seeped into Ty, pushing away all the worries he’d been harboring. He reached out and slid his hand along Zane’s waist, pulling at his shirt. “I love you, Zane.”

Zane sighed, leaning to place a soft kiss at Ty’s temple. “I know.”

Ty turned his head to instigate another kiss, delving into it with more heat. “I’ve been looking forward to this for days.”

Zane clutched him close, heat and anticipation building between them, and Ty heard a soft groan escape Zane as the kiss continued. The sound went straight through Ty, and his hands began tugging at Zane’s dress shirt, undoing buttons, pulling at his belt as they shuffled further into the room. Ty was forced to take a step back to keep his balance. He found himself against the side of the wet bar, and he just had to laugh and lean against the edge of the counter. Zane shoved Ty’s coat off his shoulders and pulled at his T-shirt.

“Been too long,” Zane said before claiming another kiss.

Ty nodded, not able to say anything in reply. He pushed onto his toes and sat on the marble counter so he could slide his knees against Zane’s hips and pull him closer. Zane wedged in, obviously determined to have skin on skin contact sooner rather than later.

Ty began to laugh again, pushing off Zane’s shirt and dragging his hands against his shoulders. He leaned in to get another kiss, but just as their lips touched, Ty opened his mouth to say one last thing before he forgot and let it slide too long. Zane spoke first.

“Ty,” Zane said between kisses, his hands firm on Ty’s body. “Be mine, just for now. There’s time.”

Ty reached for Zane’s face, meeting his eyes. “I was always yours,” he said with difficulty.

Zane pressed his fingertips to Ty’s lips. “Why?”

Ty shook his head, searching for the answer. His chest tightened and breathing became difficult, but he landed on the words he needed. He met Zane’s dark eyes and realized he was feeling light-headed as he answered. “Because… you make me the kind of person I’ve always wished I was.”

Zane was silent, his gaze tracing over Ty’s face. Ty held his breath until Zane spoke. “I’ve always wanted you just like you are. As much as you infuriate me, you’re who I want.”

Ty couldn’t put his finger on what those words felt like. It was somewhere between relief and elation. He didn’t have any more he could say, so he just leaned forward and kissed Zane again, hooking his feet behind Zane’s thighs so he couldn’t get away.

With a groan, Zane started pulling at Ty’s T-shirt to get it over his head.

“Don’t hurt it! It’s new,” Ty said with a grin as he lifted his arms for Zane to pull the shirt off. It hit the floor, and Zane’s hands splayed over Ty’s chest and ribs while he latched on to Ty’s neck. Ty moaned and let his head fall back, cursing when he banged it against the mirrored cabinet above the wet bar.

Zane sank to his knees, tugging Ty off the counter, mouth still on Ty’s body, his beard leaving a trail of prickles. His hands slid into Ty’s jeans, and he pulled them down as he moved.

“Zane,” Ty said, breathless as he looked down at Zane on his knees. He put his hand on Zane’s head and pulled at his overgrown curly hair.

Zane dragged his tongue down the dark trail of hair along Ty’s abdomen before he tipped his head back to look up at Ty.

“Is this a bad time to tell you that I hate that beard?” Ty asked.

“You’ll deal with it,” Zane said, that spark returning to his almost-black eyes.

Ty laughed, his hand tightening in Zane’s hair. Zane retaliated by dragging his cheek down Ty’s hip. Ty tugged at his hair harder. “Come back up here.”

Zane stood in one fluid motion, reaching out to cup one hand over the back of Ty’s neck as he pulled him into a voracious kiss.

Something inside Ty flipped over, and he dug his fingers into Zane with a grateful moan. Something about Zane’s touch felt different. There was more confidence in him, something more firm than just the muscles of his back that Ty was digging his fingers into. Something more certain.

Zane pulled him closer and squeezed him tight, then reached down to slide his hands under Ty’s ass and lift him with a grunt. Ty wrapped around him so he wouldn’t fall, and Zane swung around and took the three steps to the bed before tossing Ty down to the mattress.

Ty was still bouncing when Zane crawled over him to kiss him again. He remembered the first time they’d ever tried this: Zane had picked him up like that, in the bathroom of that damn Holiday Inn in New York City. If Ty told Zane that he enjoyed it, he’d be getting tossed around all the time. He’d probably end up with a broken arm or something. Or Zane would ruin his back.

He let Zane take over, letting his lover’s touch brush away all the stress and worry of the last few months, letting himself forget everything he’d been holding onto, letting Zane wipe the slate clean for him. He tangled his hands in Zane’s hair and kissed him like it was their first time.

When their mouths parted, both of them gasping for breath, Zane set his forehead against Ty’s and slid his hand through Ty’s mussed hair. His body was heavy against Ty’s, his heart racing, warmth and anticipation flowing between them.