I pulled her up out the bed and held her until she calmed down. The kids were with their mother this week and I wasn’t sure about calling them even though I knew they wanted to be there for the birth.

I know how I am about her encroaching on my time, so imagine my surprise when I reached the hospital and saw them there. Mom explained that she’d called and told Melissa what was going on and she’d agreed to let them come.

Her new mellow mood could have something to do with the fact that she’d met someone else and was moving on with her life. Thank fuck because Olivia had threatened to put her lights out if she messed with me, or the kids.

After all the fuss she made, labor lasted three hours and at the end we were both in shock. Twins, one of each and the whole place was in a panic. We’d only prepared the nursery for one.

The next few days while I took care of her and our kids, my mother and hers took care of getting another one of everything.

Her mom and mine took up residence in my house while the others headed back east, to help out with the baby. I never knew kids needed that much shit. The nursery was wall-to-wall gifts.

Little Justin and Amalia, (she purposely chose the names with the same first initials as their siblings) were going to be just as spoilt as their brother and sister if I didn’t keep an eye on that shit.

She took to motherhood like a natural, but it was a group effort. The kids were very hands-on with their siblings and my mother because she was made to feel welcomed, got to be a grandma from beginning to end.


The kids just turned three months and their christening ceremony is coming up. That’s not the problem! It’s what my crazy family has planned that has me worried.

Poor Rich has been taking things in stride when it comes to our wealth and I’ve done everything I can, not to rock the boat since I know it was a leftover hang-up from his first marriage.

It had taken a while for him to decompress from the wedding, and the birth. But I’m afraid the christening just might put him over the edge.

I knew just how to get his mind off of it though. Since the babies were born he’s got this new fascination with my milky tits. I can distract him with those for sure.

That evening I had the kids fed and put to bed by the time he walked through the door. I knew my ploy was gonna work when his eyes lit up at the lingerie I met him at the door wearing.

“Ooh baby, my hands are dirty. I had to stop and fix the bike on the way home.” I grabbed his hands and put them around me, smashing my tits into his chest.

“I don’t care, I want you to get me dirty. Dinner’s in the warmer but I can’t wait. I’ve been missing you all day.” I licked his neck and felt his cock jump against the junction of my thighs.

He lifted me with his hands beneath my ass and kicked off his shoes on the way to the bedroom upstairs. “The kids asleep?”

“Uh-huh! You can say goodnight later.” As soon as he put me down in our room I attacked his belt and got him out of his clothes. His cock was in my mouth seconds later and he was making all the right noises.

I laughed happily when he picked me up and threw me on the bed, spreading my legs open before burying his head between my thighs and attacking my pussy with his tongue.

I soon forgot about manipulating him with sex when he took me under. “Oh dam Rich, you’re making my tits leak.” He pulled his tongue from my snatch and licked his way up my chest, sucking my tit into his warm mouth.

I sighed with pleasure and held his head as she slipped into my waiting heat. It never gets old, this having him inside me.

I felt my body heat up even more when he drew my milk into his mouth and sucked hard for more. His cock felt so good inside me, especially since I was taking him easier since the births.

“I’m ovulating Rich!” I felt his body tense just before he started pounding into me. I knew there wasn’t much of a chance of me getting pregnant since I was breastfeeding, but I know my man. I know how he gets off on the thought of breeding me.

“I want you to cum deep inside me. Then I want you to fuck me in the ass hard and fast until I cum screaming.

“Oh shit, what the hell’s gotten into you?”