“Come this way.” I led her to my office in the back and grabbed a bottle of water before taking the seat behind my desk. I didn’t offer her a seat and she huffed before dropping her un-welcomed ass into the only other chair.

She can’t seem to get it through her head that we’re done, her choice. And every once in a while she’d come sniffing around with one excuse or another. Shit makes no sense, since she’s the one who set this shit in motion.

“What is it that you want to say Melissa? I have shit to do.”

“You don’t have to be so rude.”

“Yeah, I do. I told you, unless it’s about my kids I don’t have shit to say to you. You wanted out, you got out. I don’t want you in my face.”

She got that pouty little girl look on her face like she was about to cry, which didn’t mean shit to me. When we were married that look would have me bending over backwards to please her. She was my wife after all and it was for me to do. Now, I don’t give a fuck.

“I don’t think that Olivia person is the right fit for the kids…”

“You can leave now.”


“I told you already, what goes on in my house has nothing to do with you.”

“But they’re our kids…”

“Did the kids say she did something to them?”

“Well no, it’s not that, it’s just… she’s so young.” And that just fucking kills you I bet.

“She watches them after school until I get home and on the weekends. The sitter you used to hire for our nights out was sixteen, what the fuck.” Now her face was the ugly red it gets when she doesn’t get her way.

I won’t question what I ever saw in her, that’s a dick move. The truth is I was head over heels in love with her once, and still have some lingering feelings for her.

Nothing as strong as they were in the beginning, she took care of that shit when she invited her parents into our marriage. But she’s someone I’d once cared deeply for.

Add the fact that she’s my children’s mother and I will give her the respect due, but that’s as far as I’m willing to go. This shit that she’s about to pull isn’t gonna work though.

“Well I don’t like her.”

“I don’t give a fuck what you like.” There you have it. She’d finally got me to that point. For the past six months I’ve been keeping my cool, not letting her or her asshole father and mother get a rise out of me.

But now it seems she wants to control my life even though she’s no longer a part of it. Not gonna fucking happen. A thought hit me and I figured I better clear that shit up now.

“If you or anyone associated with you fuck with Olivia I’ll make you pay. Your fight’s with me, you bring it to me. She has nothing to do with it.”

“So you are sleeping with her.”

“None of your fucking business. Now if that’s all I have shit to do; bye.” I left my seat and moved to the door, holding it open for her to leave. Now pissed the fuck off myself. Where the fuck does she get off?

Knowing her, that was not the end of this shit. But I was not about to waste my time thinking about what the hell she was up to. I’ll make sure to tell Olivia to be on the lookout, but I wasn’t planning on changing up any part of my life to suit her and her shit.

She left and I went back to work, having forgotten her two-seconds after she cleared the door. I’m convinced she’s hell bent on disrupting my life so I can be as miserable as she is.

That evening I had a long talk with Olivia. We were in the kitchen making dinner together, something she likes to do. In fact, when I think about it, she was more a wife than mine had been.

Not that Melissa didn’t cook. She just didn’t like anyone in the kitchen when she did. Olivia likes everyone underfoot when she cooks. When the kids are here the three of them make a mess in my shit, which I love.

“So Melissa came to see me today.”

“Uh-oh, what did I do now?”

“You didn’t do shit. She just doesn’t like the idea of someone else in her place.”

“Didn’t she ask for the divorce?”

“Yes she did. I’m just telling you so you can be on the lookout…”

“Oh don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself.”

Did I mention that Olivia is an Italian from New Jersey? I’m not one for stereotypes, but when she says she can take care of herself I believe that shit. She may not look it with her tiny ass, but I have no doubt in her ability to handle her shit.