I knew it wouldn’t always be like that, and I was always willing to share when the kids were home, but I was ingratiating myself into his life until he could no longer live without me.

The night before the kids were due home I knew he was gearing up to see her the next day. I can always tell his moods and was prepared this time.

He’d come in, kissed me hello and headed for the shower while I was putting the lasagna in the oven. I waited until I heard the water running and made my way to join him.

He was washing his hair when I pulled back the door and stepped in. “Hi!” I dropped to my knees and grabbed his dick, leading it to my mouth.

“Oh fuck Olivia!” I laughed around his cock and got down to business. Since his hands were occupied I was free to move at my own pace and I took my time and enjoyed the length of his cock in my mouth.

I hummed and moaned and fingered my own twat while he grew in my mouth. But as much as my pussy was on fire for him, I had other uses for this stiff rod.

I popped his cock out of my mouth just as he got the last of the shampoo out of his hair. “I want you to fuck me in the ass Rich. Nice and hard until my pussy explodes.”

I think he almost broke his wrist turning off the water. I started laughing when he snatched me up off the shower floor and hightailed it to the bed.

I stopped laughing when he put me on my knees at the edge of the bed and eased his too thick cock into my tight unused ass.

By the time he got half his big old dirty dick in my ass I’d cum three times and was working on the fourth. I think I found a new favorite.


I can feel that noose tightening around my neck. I don’t know when it started, it just sorta snuck up on me, but I’ve been noticing the change here in the last few days.

When we started I was sure we both knew and understood that there were no strings attached. Neither of us, as far as I knew were looking for anything long-term.

But lately I’m not so sure. Lately it seems like we spend every waking moment together. For instance, I close the shop one day a week, that’s Sunday.

When I have the kids, we always do something together and when they’re not here I’d usually putter around the house fixing shit or just lazing around watching the game.

Now, I’m either out shopping with her, she likes to shop, or being dragged off to a play or a movie or some fuck that I would’ve sworn I had no interest in. That’s not the problem though!

The problem is that I’m beginning to like that shit, to the point that I actually look forward to it. Now in the evenings when she’s doing homework I’d sit and read the paper or a magazine, waiting for her to be done so we can spend some time together.

If all our time was spent in bed I wouldn’t be so worried, but we’d gravitated in the last few weeks from just fuck buddies to friends, and maybe something more.

This evening I came home and she wasn’t here. I looked all around the house calling for her with no answer. And you know what I did? I started to panic.

I called her number, no answer. I paced, I swore, I ran my hands over my head until I think I rubbed a bald spot into my shit.

I walked to the fridge to get a beer and slammed the door shut when I couldn’t remember what I was there for. And even when I remembered I’d already lost the taste for it.

I wanted her home. I told myself as soon as she walked through the door I was gonna light into her ass for doing this shit to me. Then I asked myself what the fuck I thought I was doing.

I went through all the reasons in my head why that shit wouldn’t be right, but none of it mattered. All that mattered was that I’m used to her being here when I come home and she wasn’t.

I heard her key in the door and dragged it open before she had the chance to open it. “Where the fuck have you been?” I pulled her into the house and pushed her up against the wall.

It seems all my angst and worry had gone straight to my dick. I didn’t give the poor girl a chance to answer. Just reached under the short skirt she wore and tore her panties in two.

I wrestled my cock past my zipper and fisted it before lifting her off her feet and slamming into her hard. She didn’t even cry out, but kept her eyes on mine.