The hug had lasted longer than was necessary but neither of us seemed ready to let go. Then I felt his dick, hard against my middle. And when I lifted my head questioningly he’d lowered his head and kissed me.

Just like that. That was all it took. Next thing I knew he was lifting me in his arms and heading down the hallway to his bedroom. I didn’t even think twice about what I was doing.

We both knew I wanted it, that it’s what we’d been building up to the last two weeks. So there was no point in pretending. And his hands on me had taken away any objections I might’ve had.

I’d had one sexual experience in high school that left me less than thrilled with the whole sex thing and I wasn’t expecting much. I just wanted to be close to him.

But boy was I in for a big surprise. He’d touched me with such reverence, like my body was the most precious thing he’d ever held. Then he’d used his mouth and fingers to bring me to fever pitch.

He’d engendered himself even more to me when in the midst of the wildest kisses I’d ever shared, he’d stopped long enough to ask about my medical history and shared his own. All while tearing my clothes from my body.

Even though we both acknowledged that we were safe, he’d opted to use a condom, which he said he hates, just to make me feel secure until we could show each other our latest reports.

By the time he slid into me I was halfway in love with him. And it’s only gotten worse every time since. Each time I share his bed I walk away leaving a little bit of myself behind.

He doesn’t know that I’m in love with him, or that I’m working on planting myself in his heart. But I figure by the time he figures it out it’ll be too late. The only thing I know is that I want him for always. I knew I had it bad when I started thinking more about his happiness than my own.

I want to make him happy. I want to see that mischievous little boy grin he wears sometimes plastered on his face for always. And that laugh that makes me tingle in all the right places.

I want to have babies with him, want to share a life with him. I just have to bide my time. It’s only been a couple months and he’s still reeling from his divorce so I’m more than willing to wait him out.

But the ex, now she’s a whole other story. I know her game and I’m not about to play it. The only reason I haven’t put her in her place as yet is because of the kids.

I don’t want to make things any harder for Rich and I know she’s looking for any excuse. I haven’t missed the disapproving looks sent my way or the snide little remarks. She probably doesn’t know that her daughter tells on her ass either, but it’s all to my benefit.

I do wonder though, how someone who’s never met me before can know so much about me. All made up bullshit of course, but still. It’s obvious that she’s jealous, that she might even want him back.

And I have to admit to getting heart palpitations whenever Rich has to see her for any reason. But I bite it back and act like a grownup, though I want to scream and kick my feet each time.

She also needs to be careful what she says in front of the little ones. Funny, Rich has never said a bad word about her in front of the kids, and I can’t recall him ever really saying anything negative about her to me.

But every time the kids come home there’s a new story, especially from Carly, who’s a year younger than her brother in years, but way younger when it comes to attitude.

Little Carly doesn’t mean to tell, she just repeats what she hears, or asks when she doesn’t understand something. But it’s through her that I know what her mother and her grandparents think of me.

I have to bite my tongue and not let on to the little girl that anything is wrong even though I’d like nothing better than to drive over there and give them a piece of my mind.

I could give two shits what she thinks. As far as I can tell, she tried to play Rich and he called her bluff and now she’s crying sour grapes. Not my fault she threw away a good thing when she had it. Now she wants to interfere with our lives and call the shots. Like hell. I’d called dad because her family is supposed to be big shots in this town and I’ve heard enough stories to know how they roll.