I had to be careful here though, because part of this act didn’t require glasses. In fact glasses were a big no-no. “It’s okay sir, she’s just curious.” I kept my attention on the child as I spoke to her father.

“May I?” I held my hand out for the glasses that she grudgingly returned. “Thank you so much Courtney. It’s not that I can’t see without my glasses, I just see much better with them on.”

I replaced the ugly things on my face before turning on my knees to face the other adult in the room. His impact hadn’t lessened one iota. Cassidy decided to come over to take a look and soon I was being pulled in two different directions at once as each of the little darlings wanted to show me their favorite toys.

All in all I’ll have to say it was a good first impression with the girls. As their dad sat quietly in his chair looking on, I played the nanny to the hilt. It wasn’t hard, it was the one place I’d allowed myself to be me when I was planning this.

By the end of our first hour together, I had the little ones eating out of my hands and was equally delighted by them. Thankfully it seems they’d taken after their father.

I did not worry overly much about what affect my actions would have on them. They were too young to understand much of what was about to happen. Lucky them!

“Okay girls it’s bath time, let’s go show Sydney where everything is.” He was still dismissing me, not in a rude way, but it was obvious that he had no interest in me as a woman. Not yet!

“I should warn you, these two love to make a mess at bath time. You’d better wear rain gear.” He said jokingly as we made our way up the stairs, each of us carrying a handful of well behaved little girl.

“I will remember that in the future sir, thank you.” He showed me to the private bathroom just off the nursery that was almost twice the size of the room I would be staying in. And that was not small.

There was a tub for two, a shower that the girls were too young to use as yet, a changing corner, vanity, you name it, it was here. I listened as he explained their likes and dislikes during bath time before leaving me alone with them. It showed a side to him that just might add to my dilemma. This was no weekend dad.

“Okay girls let’s get you bathed and ready for bed shall we?” As with all children they protested, but it wasn’t long before I had them ensconced in the warm bubbly water with a mountain of toys.

After they’d been scrubbed and dressed for bed, it was time to read them a story. Tomorrow my real duties begin, but I have to say this had gone very well so far.

Once I had them tucked up in the twin beds next to each other, I sat in the chair between their princess beds and read them a story. They were so easy these two, within ten minutes they were both out.

I found that other little hole of my making and once again sent a sinister smile to the one I knew was watching. As I stood I ran my hand over first one little head and then the other, all the while my gaze trained on that little hole in the wall. I didn’t smile this time, but let my face show the malice that I did not feel towards the two little angels but was definitely directed at the woman who was awake and watching.

I made a show of moving around the room, touching their little things as I hummed softly to myself, before silently leaving the room. My mask fell back into place as I made my way downstairs. One of the things the rambling housekeeper had reminded me of was the fact that dinner for the staff was served in their kitchen at a certain hour.

I was free to take my meals in my room if I so chose, but tonight I wanted to sit in. I listened as they each tried to outdo the other in telling me stories about the wonders of the place. Things I already knew but pretended not to.

Like how the estate had been in Mr. Fisher’s family for generations. How Mrs. Fisher wasn’t too fond of the country and that is why she always went away for the first week before coming here to join her husband and children.

I didn’t miss the looks that passed around the table at the mention of her name, but pretended not to notice. I nibbled on some fruit while the others enjoyed their heavy meal of potatoes and baked chicken. Not that I don’t like to eat, I’m a huge fan of food. But my tummy was already full of nerves, so there wasn’t much room for anything else.