Didn’t worry about the fact that he was still married. He wanted me and that was all that mattered. How did I get so lucky? How had my life come to this when I never thought it could be?

It didn’t take him long to cum, almost as if he’d been dying for the feel of me again. “Where’s your bedroom?” I pointed up the stairs, too winded to talk.

He lifted me up from the couch, still impaled on his cock and headed up the stairs in the direction I’d pointed out.

Upstairs in my bed we spent hours rolling around together until we were both spent. “Get up, you’re not staying here, you’re coming home with me.”

I couldn’t believe it, even when we were in the car driving back to the country estate. We talked in low hushed tones and he told me how he learned about what I’d done. He asked, and I told him all of it. How I’d driven her to the airport, only to change course and head to the country home.

How I’d rigged it with the cameras. He gave me a look at this but said nothing. “And the rest you know.” He was holding my hand as he told me that because of my emails to him in the months prior, he’d already filed for divorce, how he was no longer married to her and what he’d planned to do.

He scolded me for letting vengeance rule me for so long but said he understood. Then he asked me to marry him. No, that’s not quite accurate, he told me we were getting married and that he was going to make up for all my suffering. I was crying by the time we pulled through the gates.



She came into the study looking a bit forlorn. “What’s wrong?” She looked down at the floor and shook her head. “I asked you a question, answer me.”

Her head came up and I did not like the look in her eyes. I’ve made it a point in the last few months since I married her, to stay on top of her. Making sure her life was the complete opposite of the shit that had brought her to me in the first place.

“Nothing!” I gave her the raised brow look, which she knew meant that was her last chance. “You don’t find me attractive anymore.” She sounded miserable. Miserable and misguided.

“Since when?” Women, what a confusing bunch. One minute she’s bold and forceful and the next she’s like the twins, needing reassurance. She pointed at her seven months pregnant tummy and kept her eyes on the floor.

“Come here.” I pushed back from my desk and held my hand out to her. She took her sweet time getting to me with that adorable pout on her face.

“Lean down.” She did as I asked and I led her hand to my cock. “Feel this? Do you know why he’s like that?” She shook her head no but she’d already begun to lose that look from her face.

“I saw you swimming, no scratch that, before you even got into the water, as soon as you dropped your cover up he went on alert.”

“Then why…?” I pulled her down to sit on my lap and wrapped my arms protectively around her. “Because you’re young and this is your first pregnancy and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

I felt the tension leave her as she took my face in her hands. “I’m fine, we’re fine.” She led my hand to her huge tummy where our twin sons were doing backflips.

I maneuvered her in my lap until she sat facing me and undid my shorts. It was easy enough to push the crotch of her bikini bottoms aside and slide up into her.

Nothing ever feels as good as getting my cock in her. No matter how many times we fuck, it’s always like the first, like coming home.

I held her close, all the love I felt for her right there for her to see. “I love you baby.”

“I love you too.”

The End