
I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. There’s no way I can live without this, without him, after having tasted the sweetness of being stuffed full of that wondrous flesh between his thighs. Who knew that sex could be this mind blowing?

I never knew pleasure could be this…well, pleasurable. Never knew the body could feel this way. Even as my sex stretched and burned and ached I wanted more.

I moved on pure instinct, rocking my hips back and forth, then sliding up and down his length. His thick, hard length that reached deep inside me.

His hands on my breasts, squeezing, massaging, made me want to do things. I felt my body build up again to that earth shattering crescendo. And when I came down he had pulled me into his chest and was swallowing my cries.

I bit his lip, not hard, but hard enough for him to exclaim. “Bad girl!” His cocky smile told me that he wasn’t too mad about it and I did it again until he fed me his tongue, then I got distracted.

His hands made their way down to the flesh of my ass, another place I didn’t realize could bring me such sexual joy. And when he dipped his finger just inside, I was off to the races again.

It went on like that all night into the early morning. We only stopped once for him to give me a bath to ease the ache that had brought tears to my eyes after the third or fourth time he took me. And then again to rest.

I woke to him sliding into me with his face buried in my neck and all I could think was how was I going to hide what he’d done to me from the outside world.

By the time I made it back to my room an hour before the twins were supposed to be up, my legs were weak, my nipples were sore, and there was a sweet ache between my thighs that went all the way up inside me.

Taking a shower was a whole new experience. The wet cloth moving over my skin only reminded me of the feel of his hands as they touched me in all the right places.

My hands moved slowly over my flesh as I cleaned away the remnants of our night’s passion. I had a mini orgasm when I washed between my legs and knew that there was no way I wasn’t going to enjoy him again.

When I found myself smiling alone in the shower I knew that something had changed, something monumental. But I was afraid to look too closely lest I dull the moment.

Back in my room I tied the towel tighter around me as I booted up the laptop. I’d almost forgotten about her, but riding my high only made me want to gloat even more. Things had gone better than I could ever have expected.

I knew as soon as I saw her that she’d seen and heard it all. She looked almost beaten, bereft. I had no empathy or sympathy for her plight.

I’d worried that by doing this I would be no better than her, but I know now that that could never be true. I could never have done the things she did.

But my mind was made up. One way or the other she didn’t deserve him. So even if I lose him in the end, I’d go on knowing that I’d done what I set out to do. Destroy her.

“Did you see? Wasn’t he amazing? I bet he never did you like that. What was that?” She was back to screaming behind her gag and I was reminded that she hadn’t had anything to eat in a few days.

The gag was such that if she were careful, she could enjoy a few sips from the waterspout I’d rigged for her to drink from. She couldn’t very well hold anything with her hands tied and bound.

Her tears meant nothing to me, and my only regret as I watched her ravaged face, is that I’d met him under these circumstances. I’m smart enough to know that what we shared in his bed wasn’t something I’d easily find again with anyone else.

But there was no hope for it; I’d gone too far to turn back now. And there was no undoing what I’d already done. I still had a little more work to do and then I would be leaving.

The thought made me sad for the first time since this whole thing begun. How I wish I could give myself a little more time. It was a nice dream but I’d learned long ago that dreams were just flights of fancy.

I hid my inner turmoil well from her but my own thoughts made me just a little bit meaner when I leaned in to the screen. “Maybe I’ll marry him once I get rid of you.”