It was the only thing I was taking for myself so why not? Besides, I don’t think it was possible not to enjoy it anyway. He was very good with his tongue.

I got caught up in his ministrations and lost my train of thought when he sucked my sensitive clit between his lips and pulled. I saw stars and lights behind my eyes as an orgasm, the first in my life, rushed through my very being.

I screamed out loud as my body climbed high before crashing into a million pieces, only to go up again because he didn’t stop licking me, didn’t take his mouth away. And I endured the sweet pleasure pain, because nothing has ever felt so good.

Good heavens how can anyone withstand the feelings, the sensations? Is this what makes men and women mindless? The thought reminded me of our captive audience, but even that didn’t seem to tamper my ardor.

I looked into the corner at the little camera as he went down on me. I wanted to smile with victory but I couldn’t. My body was no longer under my own control. But I knew she saw and that just made this all the hotter.

So even though the muscles in my face wouldn’t work because my jaw had gone slack, leaving my mouth to hang open. I knew that the damage, at least part of it, had already been done.

I knew from her place in that darkened room she watched as her husband ate a young girl’s pussy with relish. I knew she saw him enjoying my body with his mouth. This was just the beginning.

But I wanted more. I can have that can’t I? I can enjoy him and still make her suffer, in fact that just might be better all around. Let her watch me enjoy what he did to me.

My thoughts made my skin feverish and there was something foreign building inside me. A pressure that felt like it was growing wider, deeper. It beat between my legs and deep inside my belly and oh wow, damn…

My moans grew louder as I lifted my hips off the bed to meet his mouth. No longer thinking or caring about anything but the sweet pleasure between my thighs.

I whimpered in my throat and he drove his thick long tongue deeper until I lost all my senses. I was just a ball of burning lust now as he gripped my ass tighter, bringing me closer to his mouth as he did the most amazing things to my body with his mouth and tongue and teeth.

And when his fingertip grazed that tightly puckered flesh between my butt cheeks I gushed in his mouth. “Yes, oh yes, your tongue feels so good in me.” Wait was that me? Who cares?

My body trembled uncontrollably and he held me down with a strong arm across my tummy, but never stopped. His tongue kept up the same pace; slow, deep, hard.

Then he covered my sex completely and sucked, felt like he was trying to pull my womb out through my tiny little opening. I went up and over again, my mind fractured and splintered apart as I wondered how anything could feel this good. I never knew…no wonder…

I felt a burst of jealousy that she’d had this, that he’d ever shared this with her. I glared at the camera as my hands grabbed his head and my fingers dug in as I moved like a wanton slut against his mouth and tongue. Crying out for more.

He could’ve done anything to me in that moment and I wouldn’t have stopped him. I never wanted it to end, this feeling of elation, joy, sexual gratification. It felt like every good thing rolled into one and I became a glutton, wanting it never to end.

I came on his tongue continuously, my hoarse moans ringing out in the air. I was wet and sticky between my thighs, something that should’ve embarrassed me, but didn’t. Instead I reveled in my body’s response. I felt like a woman.

He moaned as he ate me and that too added to my pleasure, knowing that he was getting off on eating my fresh young pussy. I wanted to hear him say that I was the best, wanted her to hear it as well.

As I climbed those heights again, while my heart pounded in my chest and that tight sweet pressure grew deep inside me where he played with his tongue, I learned something new about myself.

I love sex. I want this every day for the rest of my life; with him, only him. It seemed like he would gladly stay between my legs with his tongue buried deep inside me forever, but I wanted something.

I had a sudden urge to take him in my mouth. That beautiful cock that I’d felt pressed against me. I pushed against his shoulders gently until he got on his knees between my thighs.