I spread my legs wider for him and accepted his finger as he eased it gently between my folds. The more he fed into my body the thicker it felt, like he was trying to force a log in there. How would he get that other…

“Ohhh…” My hips lifted off the bed as if searching for something. My body was suddenly awash with desires that were fast stripping away my control.

His fat thumb came down to massage my clit and my nipples tingled. I was almost mindless with need by the time he pushed me up the bed until I was in the middle of it, before coming down on top of me to settle between my thighs.

He held himself up on his hands as he leaned over me, just looking down between my wantonly spread thighs and my sex that was now embarrassingly wet, ready…waiting.

He made a movement with his head as if he’d just made up his mind about something, before dropping to his elbows and pressing that hard length into the core of me.

It felt like everything I was, everything I’ve ever been, was centered right there for that one moment in time. My body strained as if on its own accord, to get closer to the hard heat of his length.

He dragged himself down my body until his head was now between my thighs, over that place where I was starting to burn. And when he lowered his head and sniffed my sex I thought I would swoon into darkness.

Too much too soon. My senses were being bombarded with too many new feelings at once; sensory overload. I fought to breathe and then released that breath in a whoosh when his hands clasped my hips and spread me even wider.

I felt fresh liquid leave my body on a slow glide. He swiftly licked it away before bathing my flesh with his tongue over and over again. My body moved against his mouth and I wanted everything he was doing to me, and more. I pulled and tugged at his shoulders, whining in my throat like a needy little kitten, but I no longer cared. There was a fire burning in me and I knew that only he could put it out.

I reached down by his side, tugging on his slacks, trying to get to his zipper, but I couldn’t reach. And he was in no hurry to leave off what he was doing to me long enough to do it himself.

That tongue dipped inside me and I felt so full, and then I remembered his size again and my body went hot and cold. He felt my little shiver of fear and looked up at me.

Why was it that it seemed like he was doing everything in slow motion? Everything seemed so intense all of a sudden. Like the way he looked at me now. I felt like a trapped bird beneath that heated look. And for a second felt real fear.

Not physical fear, but the fear of losing myself in him, in this. I made another one of those sounds in my throat and his eyes flashed before he went back to savoring his meal.

It was good that he’d seen that fear in me, it kept in line with the person I was pretending to be. The person he had taken to his bed. And brought back to mind what it was that I was doing here.

Duty fought with lust and I have no idea which one won. But I knew that I was here now and whatever reasons had brought me here; something else had been added to the mix. Something new and exciting and so unexpected.

I wanted where I didn’t think it was possible. I felt what I didn’t know could be real. And when he lowered his head back to me I cried out as his tongue pierced my body deeper this time.

I was mindless, I felt it happening but couldn’t seem to stop myself from falling over the precipice. It was the best of both worlds. I was carrying out my vengeance and at the same time getting something for myself.

In the back of my mind was the thought that this isn’t how this was supposed to be. I’m supposed to be putting on a show, not getting caught up in the act. But I’d gone too far to pull myself back. My body had completely taken over now.

I couldn’t pull back if I tried and I didn’t try. I just let myself be taken under by him and did not let my mind go back to the shadows. To that place where self doubt and recriminations awaited.

I refuse to feel guilty for enjoying this, for taking a little something for myself. Something that I will no doubt take out for many years to come, to relive this moment. This blissful moment in time.