I guess there’s only one thing left to do. Wait and see. But I’m not sure how long I can hold out. It’s been weeks since my last lay, and though I’m not one to be led by my libido, this situation was ripe for some shit to go down.

Alone together in the country, with no one to curtail us, except my children and the servants who know better than to mind my business.

Add her penchant for wearing dick hardening shit, and what those beautiful mesmerizing eyes of hers seem to be saying, oh yeah. It’s a breeding ground for debauchery alright, and I’m already halfway there with the shit that refuses to leave my mind.

I’m imagining doing things to her tight little body that she may not be ready for, and it’s for that reason that I’m gonna let her call the plays. Because once I start I’m not gonna stop. I should probably warn her that her pussy was in danger, but how the hell do I go about doing that?

She can’t seem to make up her mind about what it is she wants to do, but she wants something. I’m not that green that I don’t know when a woman is interested.

But what exactly is it that she’s after? I guess time will tell. She only has a few days, at least as far as she knows, before Claudia comes back. Will she make a move before then? Or is it like I said and I’m reading too much into this shit?


I didn’t expect to feel this nervous once he started looking at me in that way. That was my whole purpose for being here after all, wasn’t it? But sitting there pretending not to feel his hot gaze on my body was the hardest thing to do.

I felt the heat in my cheeks and knew he must’ve seen me blush, but there was no help for it. To cool myself down, I turned my complete focus on the twins who had found their dolls that they’d obviously left in here before and were playing house.

He sat back there for the longest time not saying a word and my discomfort only grew farther. I was too aware of him, and I was starting to feel like I was losing control of my own scheme.

I have to get this done and over with, there’s no more time to waste. I’d planned on torturing Claudia at least one more night, but there’s something in his eyes, almost as if he’s questioning, seeking.

What kind of man doesn’t just jump on what’s so obviously being offered? Granted from what I’d learned so far about him, he was one of the good guys, but no one is that good.

Still, I’d better not chance it. Since he’s not gonna make a move, then I’ll just have to go with door number two. I hate to do it, but if he leaves me no choice…

Tonight then! I’ll do it tonight, phase one of the grand finale. The thought settled me down somewhat and I was able to relax and enjoy playing with the kids for the rest of the afternoon, knowing that nothing had changed, that everything was still on track.

That night after I put the kids to bed, I showered and changed. I was going to be sitting down across from him for the next hour or so while we shared a meal, so now would be the perfect time to set my plan in motion.

I chose my outfit well. The clingy black wrap dress hugged my breasts and hips to perfection, while accentuating the slenderness of my waist. I’d foregone a bra, because though my breasts are larger than most, they’re still firm.

I placed the chain with the special pendant in the middle of my cleavage, like a morsel ready to be plucked. And felt more confident about the task I was about to undertake.

I checked out my ass in the mirror and smoothed my hands down over the material, watching it contour my body before falling into place again to settle just above my knees.

Slipping my feet into the three inch heels, I dabbed some of my special scent behind my ears and knees and one drop between my breasts as a bonus.

With that done, I gave my waist length fat natural curls one last brush through and watched them shimmer and fall into place.

Most people’s hair goes straight naturally after it reaches a certain length, or so I’ve been told. Mine never did. Another anomaly. The woman looking back at me was ready for anything. He didn’t stand a chance

There was one last thing left to do before I exited the room. I booted up the laptop and awakened the tired woman who looked like she’d aged ten years since I boarded her up in the room in the attic.