Still it wasn’t an easy thing. She was the mother of my children, and though she had no real use for them, they did have some feeling for her; until they didn’t. Some days I doubt they even missed her.

It was a hard thing to accept. I had to take responsibility for part of the blame. This was as much my doing as it was hers, though there’s no way I could’ve known the condom would break.

So from day to day it was a close call as to whether or not that would be the day I finally had enough. The thing that lit a fire under me and made the decision a no brainer, were the emails.

Out of nowhere, seemingly just in time, someone had started sending me emails. With pictures of my wife and the things she got up to while I was at the office.

It wasn’t the men so much that bothered me, Claudia’s always been a flirt. But the drugs and the other illegal shit she was mixed up in was a big fucking no-no.

I’d started divorce proceedings once I verified that the shit was true and if that wasn’t enough, I’d taken a gander at the diary she kept online that she thought no other eyes but hers would ever see.

She didn’t know that I’d seen the lawyer, or that when she came back from wherever it was that she’d gone this time she wouldn’t be allowed back in my home, any of them.

I’d sent her off believing that she still had me fooled, that I was none the wiser. My lawyer had everything he needed to see that she went away quietly. Whatever she’d gotten from me thus far in our marriage is all she would ever get. As for my kids, they’ll be fine because I’ll see to it that they are.

But now there’s this new wrinkle to take care of. And I can’t help but wonder if there’s any significance to the fact that she’d shown up here now, while this was all going on.

No way, you’re overthinking things too much now. How could she possibly have anything to do with what’s going on in your life? Claudia obviously didn’t know her and she didn’t seem to know me or my family.

Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but somehow, between last night and today, I have a feeling that there’s more to her than meets the eye. A lot more.

And I’m not just talking about the kickass body she’s been hiding beneath those ugly clothes. The body I’d seen when she went down to the pool.

If I’d been stymied last night when I got a look at her with her hair down and those amazing eyes, seeing her body in that suit just about threw me for a loop.

She’s fucking supermodel material. Except for the fact that she has tits like a real woman and an ass that would fit perfectly in my hands while I fuck her into the mattress.

At least I know my libido isn’t dead. Not that there was ever any doubt about that. Ever since I lost interest in Claudia I’ve been playing the field.

I’m no cheat, never have been. But once I made up my mind that we were through, that was enough for me. She’s so caught up in her own grift that she hadn’t even noticed that I hadn’t touched her in six months.

I never told her a word, biding my time until my lawyer gave me the all clear. As soon as I learned that I could win custody of my kids and keep her out of the picture based on the evidence we had, I was through.

I didn’t want the scenes, and didn’t want my kids caught in the middle of shit, so I had to bide my time and wait for the perfect opportunity. I knew that our summer escape was coming up. It’s something I started for my girls when they turned one. I’d spent my summers here as a kid growing up and wanted my children to have the same.

Sure they had a backyard and every amenity known to man in the city, but there was something about being in the country this time of year that I’ve always loved.

So with my mind set and everything already in the works I’d set out for here knowing that by the time my kids and I went back at the end of summer everything would be different.

I hadn’t put too much stock in the new babysitter because she was only here for the summer and I had no doubt that I’d find someone else permanently, even if I had to recall Sara.

In fact I’d made up my mind to do just that. Letting her go that easily was part of my plan not to tip Claudia off to what was going on behind the scenes.