I still don’t know how she’d trapped him in her web, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s very good at what she is after all. I know that better than most.

When he turned and left the room without uttering another word I breathed easy again but did not allow the secret smile to escape. I poured the milk down the sink and took my time heading back upstairs where I could hear him moving around in the room next to mine.

I couldn’t wait to pull out my diary and add this latest development, bursting with excitement at how well things had gone. Dare I say they were beyond my expectations?

There’s no real way to predict how someone would act before the fact, people are fickle that way. But I must say from the look in his eyes before he walked away, I’d done better than good.

Dear diary, my hand shakes as I write this. Sebastian saw the real me, or a glimpse of me anyway, for the first time, just a little while ago. If the heat in his eyes when he ate me up is any indication, this should be as easy as I’d wished.

I still have this annoying attraction to deal with. I felt a stirring when his gaze stayed on me, but maybe I can use that to my advantage as well. There’s nothing stopping me from enjoying my time with him now is there?

I closed out the diary and laid back against the pillows, my mind replaying that little scene over and over again in my head. I fell into sleep easily, now that the first part of my plan had gone off without a hitch and had the best night’s sleep in ages.

When I rolled over in the morning I was more than ready to face the day. I kept my dress simple but not as demure as the day before. I was going for a cross between the buttoned down librarian and the sexy vixen of the night before.

There was no under vest this time, to hide the fact that I had a whopping DD chest under the tee shirt I wore with the pleated skirt. Nothing too racy, the average catholic school girl wears something similar after all.

But I was sure the way it fit over my firm ass and showed off my young nubile figure isn’t what it was meant for. Fashionably short, the skirt fell a ways above my knees with a little swing and twirl when I moved.

I paraded myself in front of the little camera so that she could see what her husband was about to feast his eyes on. I made a show of hefting my breasts that were on rather prominent display beneath the tight tee before leaving the room.

In the nursery I got the kids up, making a show of playing with them lovingly, before following them into the bathroom to brush their teeth. Then it was downstairs to meet their father for breakfast after getting them dressed.

My morning greeting was subdued and appropriate for an employee greeting her employer. There was no lingering reaction from the night before, at least not as far as I could tell.

His response was cool and disinterested and for the first time I started to doubt myself. Just a little, and it was early days yet, but I needed to hook him before too long. I couldn’t afford for this thing to go on much longer than was necessary.

Not that I had anything more pressing to attend to, but I wasn’t sure how long I could keep up the charade. Plus there was the matter of the prisoner being held hostage in another part of the house.

Ignoring his less than welcoming tone, I set the twins up at the table and turned to leave, intent on following the serving maid back to the servant’s kitchen to have my own meal.

“No, you can eat here with us.” I stopped and turned at his voice, making my way slowly back to the table, not showing the relief I felt. “You may bring her breakfast in here Mary and she’ll be having her meals with us from now on.”

I couldn’t hide the blush that kissed my cheeks, or hold back the silly fluttering of butterflies that took flight in my tummy. I guess my little show had worked after all. Mr. Fisher was not as unaffected as he’d like to pretend.

Throughout the meal I kept my focus on the children, all the while feeling his eyes on me. I used the time to regroup, making sure the girls were eating enough and keeping up a funny little conversation with them, but I was very conscious of his presence.

“What do you have planned for the day?” It was Saturday, my first full day with the girls. “I thought I’d take the girls for a nice morning stroll, get to know the grounds. You said that there’s a little playground here so I guess we’ll spend some time there as well.”