"Nothing of value."

Holmes strolled round the house with his hands in his pockets and anegligent air which was unusual with him.

"By the way," said he to Joseph Harrison, "you found some place, Iunderstand, where the fellow scaled the fence. Let us have a look atthat!"

The plump young man led us to a spot where the top of one of the woodenrails had been cracked. A small fragment of the wood was hanging down.Holmes pulled it off and examined it critically.

"Do you think that was done last night? It looks rather old, does itnot?"

"Well, possibly so."

"There are no marks of any one jumping down upon the other side. No, Ifancy we shall get no help here. Let us go back to the bedroom and talkthe matter over."

Percy Phelps was walking very slowly, leaning upon the arm of his futurebrother-in-law. Holmes walked swiftly across the lawn, and we were atthe open window of the bedroom long before the others came up.

"Miss Harrison," said Holmes, speaking with the utmost intensity ofmanner, "you must stay where you are all day. Let nothing prevent youfrom staying where you are all day. It is of the utmost importance."

"Certainly, if you wish it, Mr. Holmes," said the girl in astonishment.

"When you go to bed lock the door of this room on the outside and keepthe key. Promise to do this."

"But Percy?"

"He will come to London with us."

"And am I to remain here?"

"It is for his sake. You can serve him. Quick! Promise!"

She gave a quick nod of assent just as the other two came up.

"Why do you sit moping there, Annie?" cried her brother. "Come out intothe sunshine!"

"No, thank you, Joseph. I have a slight headache and this room isdeliciously cool and soothing."

"What do you propose now, Mr. Holmes?" asked our client.

"Well, in investigating this minor affair we must not lose sight of ourmain inquiry. It would be a very great help to me if you would come upto London with us."

"At once?"

"Well, as soon as you conveniently can. Say in an hour."

"I feel quite strong enough, if I can real

ly be of any help."

"The greatest possible."

"Perhaps you would like me to stay there to-night?"

"I was just going to propose it."

"Then, if my friend of the night comes to revisit me, he will find thebird flown. We are all in your hands, Mr. Holmes, and you must tell usexactly what you would like done. Perhaps you would prefer that Josephcame with us so as to look after me?"

"Oh, no; my friend Watson is a medical man, you know, and he'll lookafter you. We'll have our lunch here, if you will permit us, and then weshall all three set off for town together."

It was arranged as he suggested, though Miss Harrison excused herselffrom leaving the bedroom, in accordance with Holmes's suggestion. Whatthe object of my friend's manoeuvres was I could not conceive, unless itwere to keep the lady away from Phelps, who, rejoiced by hisreturning health and by the prospect of action, lunched with us in thedining-room. Holmes had a still more startling surprise for us, however,for, after accompanying us down to the station and seeing us intoour carriage, he calmly announced that he had no intention of leavingWoking.