"We have set one of our women on to her. Mrs. Tangey drinks, and ourwoman has been with her twice when she was well on, but she could getnothing out of her."

"I understand that they have had brokers in the house?"

"Yes, but they were paid off."

"Where did the money come from?"

"That was all right. His pension was due. They have not shown any signof being in funds."

"What explanation did she give of having answered the bell when Mr.Phelps rang for the coffee?"

"She said that her husband was very tired and she wished to relieve him."

"Well, certainly that would agree with his being found a little laterasleep in his chair. There is nothing against them then but the woman'scharacter. Did you ask her why she hurried away that night? Her hasteattracted the attention of the police constable."

"She was later than usual and wanted to get home."

"Did you point out to her that you and Mr. Phelps, who started at leasttwenty minutes after her, got home before her?"

"She explains that by the difference between a 'bus and a hansom."

"Did she make it clear why, on reaching her house, she ran into the backkitchen?"

"Because she had the money there with which to pay off the brokers."

"She has at least an answer for everything. Did you ask her whether inleaving she met any one or saw any one loitering about Charles Street?"

"She saw no one but the constable."

"Well, you seem to have cross-examined her pretty thoroughly. What elsehave you done?"

"The clerk Gorot has been shadowed all these nine weeks, but withoutresult. We can show nothing against him."

"Anything else?"

"Well, we have nothing else to go upon--no evidence of any kind."

"Have you formed a theory about how that bell rang?"

"Well, I must confess that it beats me. It was a cool hand, whoever itwas, to go and give the alarm like that."

"Yes, it was a queer thing to do. Many thanks to you for what you havetold me. If I can put the man into your hands you shall hear from me.Come along, Watson."

"Where are we going to now?" I asked, as we left the office.

"We are now going to interview Lord Holdhurst, the cabinet minister andfuture premier of England."

We were fortunate in finding that Lord Holdhurst was still in hischambers in Downing Street, and on Holmes sending in his card we wereinstantly shown up. The statesman received us with that old-fashionedcourtesy for which he is remarkable, and seated us on the two luxuriantlounges on either side of the fireplace. Standing on the rug between us,with his slight, tall figure, his sharp features, thoughtful face, andcurling hair prematurely tinged with gray, he seemed to represent thatnot too common type, a nobleman who is in truth noble.

"Your name is very familiar to me, Mr. Holmes," said he, smiling. "And,of course, I cannot pretend to be ignorant of the object of your visit.There has only been one occurrence in these offices which could call foryour attention. In whose interest are you acting, may I ask?"

"In that of Mr. Percy Phelps," answered Holmes.

"Ah, my unfortunate nephew! You can understand that our kinship makesit the more impossible for me to screen him in any way. I fear that theincident must have a very prejudicial effect upon his career."

"But if the document is found?"

"Ah, that, of course, would be different."