He glanced over at the parade before turning back to her. “I left your brother in charge.”

“I suppose he can’t get into too much trouble on a Sunday afternoon.” The crowd roared their approval for the performers, but she kept her gaze fixed on the man who’d claimed the she was his world.

Perhaps he meant it, she thought, sparing a glance for Snow White’s float as it glided over the bridge. Because he went to a lot of trouble to step into mine.

“Finn will handle the launch,” Jared said firmly. “He’ll stay in New York for the week. Longer if needed.”

The parade faded into the background. Her world narrowed to her pounding heart, which she swore she could hear over the music and the man standing in front of her. “You meant what you wrote? You’re staying?”

“I’m leaving New York for good,” he said firmly. “I will need to go back for meetings, but as of today, Florida is my home.”

“You’re moving,” she repeated. The billionaire bachelor was uprooting his world for her. “Why are you moving?”

He drew closer, until barely an inch remained between them. Staring down at her, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement, he took her hands in his.

This is real, she thought. I can feel him. We’re here. Standing under Cinderella’s castle.

“I believe in magic,” he said firmly. “In the past few weeks, you’ve opened my eyes to the impossible. For years, I’ve tied my life and my future to numbers. I focused on following the path that led to the next big win.”

“You didn’t just win, you conquered,” she pointed out.

He offered a wolfish grin. “I did,” he admitted. “But I forgot to feel.” His smile faded, and his eyes shone with determination. “That’s where the magic exists. It’s not in the perfect date. I feel the fireworks in my heart.”

“Fireworks,” she whispered.

He nodded. “All that explosive love? It’s for you.”

“Jared.” She squeezed his hands as she stared at the castle over his shoulder. The moment threatened to overwhelm her. He was moving to Florida for her. He’d arranged for her to meet him beneath the castle—the symbol of all her childhood hopes and dreams, and most of her adult ones too—to declare his love.

“Do you want me, Lucy?” he asked. His low voice carried over the parade. “In your bed?”

She glanced away from the castle and focused on Jared. This wasn’t a scene from a fairy tale. He was right there.

“Yes,” she said.

Jared’s expression turned to triumph.

“Do you want me in your life, Lucy?” he demanded.


Behind her, a mechanical dragon raised its head and spit a jet of fire. She felt the heat on her back. But nothing compared to the hotness standing in front of her.

“Lucy,” he growled.

Before the dragon could raise its metal head again, he released her hands. His fingers wove into her hair. His grip tightened ever so slightly. He held her head; her mouth turned upward. Ready. Waiting.

Then he kissed her.

And the dragon roared. She felt the flames threatening to singe her, and she moved closer. She pressed her body against his and lost herself in him. The parade, the crowd, the setting—everything slipped away. Her world narrowed to Jared. His tongue teased her, and he kissed her harder.

With each passing second, the labels slipped away. He was no longer a billionaire, a prince, her

brother’s friend—he was hers.

He broke away and allowed his hands to slip through her long, loose hair until his palms rested on her shoulders. She could feel him breathing, his chest rising and falling as it pressed against hers.

“Don’t you ever mistake me for your ex again,” he growled.