“Now?” Lucy sputtered. Jared had sent for her now, knowing she was on her way to Delaney’s party? She frowned at the driver.

Nicole moved to her side and took her hand. “We’re running late. Mr. Mitchell can wait. Forever.”

“He sent a message.” The driver stepped forward and held out a small slip of paper. “The receptionist from The Mitchell Fund’s office asks that you please excuse the handwriting.”

Lucy unfolded the paper.

Dear Scared to Fall in Love,

You’re afraid I’ll forget you. But I won’t. Not for a day or even an hour. Please give me a chance to make your dreams come true. Follow the map. X marks the spot where our magic begins, but it won’t end there.

I’m not leaving you. Not ever again.

Your Prince,


Below the note, Jared—or rather Jared’s receptionist—had drawn a map. She recognized Cinderella’s castle at the top of the carefully drawn street labeled Main Street USA. An X marked the spot at the base of the iconic structure, near the performance stage.

“That’s a long drive,” she murmured.

“Yes, miss,” the man said. “We need to leave now if we’re going to make it in time.”

“But Jared’s on his way to New York,” she protested. “I saw him get on the plane.”

I sound like Ms. Scared to Fall in Love, she thought.

“The pilot assured me that Mr. Mitchell would be there with plenty of time.” The driver glanced back at his limo. “We won’t be so lucky if

we don’t leave soon.”

Emma turned to Lucy, and her eyes narrowed. “What exactly happened on your coffee date, Lucy? What did you say that made Jared abandon his trip to New York?”

“I told him it was over,” Lucy said flatly.

“That would do it,” Nicole murmured.

Emma nodded and then turned to face the driver. “She’s not going anywhere with you. Lucy is not at Jared Mitchell’s beck and call. She’s going to work.” Her friend began closing the door.

“Wait!” Lucy cried.

Emma froze. She looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. “Lucy, you can’t miss Delaney’s party because Jared happens to have a few hours free and a whim to see you again. I won’t let him toy with you like this.”

She met Princess Belle’s stare. “Jared addressed his note to Scared to Fall in Love. Do you think I’m hiding behind fear, Em?”

Her friend’s regal look turned to a pure Emma expression—pity. “You have every right to be afraid. Your ex was horrible to you. And now Jared is expecting you to drop everything because he sent a limo?”

Lucy nodded. “Yes, but this time’s different. Jared is staying. See for yourself.” She held out the note.

Emma propped the door open with her foot and snatched the paper. “Hmm,” she murmured, scanning the paper.

“On the ride to the airport,” Lucy said softly. “When I explained what I need from a relationship, he told me that I was his world.”

“Then he got on a plane and flew away. Back to New York and whatever waits for him there,” Nicole said.

“I told him to leave,” Lucy said. “I didn’t give him another option. What if he’s making a choice now? What if this is my fairy tale?”

“You don’t honestly believe that do you?” Nicole said.