Pressing her cell to her ear, she called Brianna’s social worker and left a message, making it clear she would do whatever it took to adopt the little girl.

After leaving the message, she headed for the subway, plans rushing through her head. She tried to set them aside until she heard from the social worker. Right now she needed to return to her patient—­and his brother.


Her smile faltered. But only for a second. She’d known from that first night in the hotel that her fling with Brody Summers would lead to a dead end. It was a fantasy. Nothing more.

Today she would return to Oregon and enjoy one more week with Brody Summers. Bondage, blindfolds, and whip cream—­she wanted it all. Because when she came back to New York, her life would change forever.

THE NEXT MORNING, the cab company dropped Kat off in front of the Summers family farmhouse. Wearing the same skinny black jeans, long sleeve blouse, and ankle boots that she’d slept in on the plane, Kat headed for the front door. She needed a cup of coffee before she sat down with Josh and determined a plan for his future. One that hopefully included him telling his siblings about regaining his memory.

She knocked and heard Chad’s voice calling for her to come in. Kat found the middle Summers brother in the kitchen with Lena.

“Hi, have you seen Brody?” she asked, heading for the coffeepot.

Chad hesitated.

“Did he get called out?” she probed, glancing at Lena. Even in her security uniform, her blond hair tied back in a bun, Chad’s girlfriend looked like she belonged in a fashion spread with the golden retriever curled at her feet.

“He’s headed to The Lost Kitten,” Lena said.

Her brow furrowed. The name sounded vaguely familiar. “The what?”

“The strip club on the other side of the university,” Chad said with a sigh. “About an hour from here.”

She let out a laugh. Forty-­eight hours had passed since she’d seen Brody and now he was at a strip club on a Friday morning? “Someone there called for search and rescue?”

“Josh. Though he didn’t exactly call. The kid left a note,” Chad said. “And Brody f

lipped out.”

“Can you call Brody and ask him to turn around? I’d like to go with him.” She raised the coffee mug and took a sip.

“I can drop you off on my way to work.” Lena stood and Hero moved to her side. “I’m covering a shift for a coworker.”

“And working straight through the night.” Chad frowned. “You’ll keep Hero with you?”

“Always,” Lena said, dropping a kiss on his lips before heading to the screen door. Kat took one last sip of her coffee and followed her out.

Ten minutes into the drive Lena glanced over at her. “You’re worried about him. Josh.”

“He’s making progress,” Kat acknowledged, knowing she couldn’t say more without breaking the promise she’d made to her patient. “But this isn’t a good side. Sexual promiscuity is often associated with brain injuries. Is this the first time he’s run off to a strip club? Did he go before?”

“I wouldn’t know,” she said. “I moved to Independence Falls not long before Josh’s accident. But given the way Brody stormed out of the house, I doubt it.”

“Brody’s overprotective,” Kat said.

“Of everyone he cares about. And I think you’re on that list. I doubt he’ll be happy to see you here.”

“We’re not dating.” The words spilled out like a reflex.

“Do you care about him?” Lena asked, her gaze focused on the road. “If you don’t, please do not lead him on. That man has given everything for his family, his work, this town. From what Chad’s told me about his brother, Brody deserves to find someone who will give him everything in return.”

Kat looked at the dog lying on the truck’s front bench between them, happily chewing a toy. “I don’t have much to offer him. My life is on the East Coast. He knows that. We’ve been clear. This is just a fling.”

Lena shook her head. “That man looks at you as if you belong with him. Trust me, I know the look.”

“It’s not what you think,” Kat insisted, folding her arms across her chest as she turned to the window.