At the end of their long walk, Katie Summers kissed her brother’s cheek before turning to Liam. And Brody glanced back at her, his deep brown eyes filled with hope and love. Excitement bubbled up. But she’d waited three days to tell Brody what was in her heart. She could wait until the judge standing under the fir trees declared Katie and Liam husband and wife.

After the bride and groom said their vows—­Liam promising to always take in Katie’s goats and let her make her own choices, and Katie promising to love him madly even if he one day decided thirty horses was one too many—­the bride tossed her bouquet of hand-­tied wildflowers to the ground. Throwing her arms around Liam’s neck, she kissed him, long and hard.

“Someone told her that she has to keep her clothes on until after the reception, right?” Chad murmured from the other side of Lena.

“I don’t think that’s a rule,” Lena said with a laugh as the bride reluctantly loosened her hold on the groom and turned to face her family.

So much happiness, Kat thought.

Brody caught her attention, his intense gaze narrowing in on her as he abandoned the happy ­couple who’d returned to kissing under the trees.

And that is what I want with you Brody Summers. I’m ready. Finally.

The man she loved appeared at her side and claimed her hand. “Come with me.”

“We can’t leave the wedding,” she protested, glancing back at his brothers, who’d clearly noted their abrupt departure and were probably already planning ways to give Brody grief later.

“I’ll have you back before the buffet,” he growled, drawing her past the tree line and into the forest.

“There’s a buffet?” she murmured.

“It’s all soy meat so don’t too excited,” he said, turning her back to the clearing. He guided her one step and then another until she felt a tree trunk press against her back.

“I’m excited, Brody.” She reached for him, running her hands up his arms, needing to touch him. “But not for the food. I want you. Only you.”

His hands pinned her hips to the tree, his gaze darting to her lips. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” he challenged.

“My vision for how this plays out?”

He moved closer, his chest touching her as her hands ran up his shoulders, over his neck, weaving through his short brown hair. “Your mental picture for our future, Kat. What did you mean when you said forever?”

She met his questioning gaze. “I want to spend tomorrow with you and the day after that. I’m staying here in Independence Falls. With you.”

“But your job?”

“I’ll make it work, Brody. I’m one of the best in the country. I’ll find something. You know, they have hospitals here too.”

“You’re staying.” She felt the tension rising, every muscle in his body waiting for confirmation.

“I finally found my place, Brody. I’m no longer afraid to say it is right here, with you.” She rose up, brushing her lips over his. “And I have this feeling that you’re not walking away.”

“Never, Kat. I swear—­”

“I love you, Brody.” She cupped his face, staring into his eyes. Saying those words—­there was no fear, only hope for a future she’d never thought possible and a love that exceeded her fantasies. “And I want to spend the rest of my days with you, and my nights in your bed. I want to be wild with you, Brody Summers. Forever.”

The World of Sara Jane Stone

Don’t miss the rest of Sara Jane Stone’s thrilling Independence Falls novels!

Available now from Avon Impulse

Full Exposure

Book One: Independence Falls

No touching allowed. . .

After serving her country, Georgia Trulane craves adventure—­and sex. She’s set her sights on her brother’s best friend, now her boss since she took a temporary job as his nephew’s live-­in nanny. Only problem? Eric refuses to touch her. That doesn’t stop Georgia from seducing him. But an earth-­shattering encounter leaves Georgia fully exposed, body and soul.