“And if I can’t make the same promise?” he challenged. The past twenty-­four hours—­heck, the past few months—­had chipped away at his calm logic and left him emotionally rung out. He felt as if he was standing on the edge of wild.

“That won’t be a problem.”

The way she said those words—­she might as well have wrapped her hand around his dick.

But instead of reaching for the part of his body threatening to wage a war against what remained of his common sense, she released his hand. “Wait here.”

Brody watched her move toward a metal closet, taking in the pool room’s layout. A line of lounge chairs filled the space to their left. Along the wall to the right stood a table stacked with towels. Next to the pile, a shower and a sign that clearly stated all guests swam at their own risk. Brody glanced at the long narrow pool that ran the length of the room. The stairs leading to the shallow end stood directly in front of him. And in the corner opposite the entrance sat a hot tub, steam rising from the swirling water.

He bit back a low growl as images filled his mind. Kat stripping off her clothes and joining him in the steaming water . . .

“Where are you going?” he asked, returning his attention to the present as she opened the door. She rummaged for a moment and turned around, triumphant.

“To find this.” She held up a sign that read POOL CLOSED.

Her heels clicked against the cement pool deck as she headed to the door. Poking her head out, she scanned the hall and then slipped the sign into place.

“Just in case someone else wants to celebrate,” she said.

“You know all the tricks,” he murmured. “Have you done this before?”

“When I was a teenager, I occasionally snuck into places I wasn’t supposed to be. I got caught once and learned my lesson. Most ­people obey a Closed sign.”

She settled onto a lounge chair. Planting her palms on the cushion, she leaned back and crossed the long legs he’d admired earlier while lying at her feet. Her skirt slid up her thighs, stopping short of offering a peekaboo glance underneath.

“You’re just going to sit there and watch?”

“I can close my eyes while you undress if you’re feeling shy. But I can’t promise I won’t peek.”

He tried to remember the last time a woman had toyed with him and came up blank. Back home, he might as well have had the word “serious” tattooed on his forehead. Women looked at him and saw long-­term. And yeah, he liked being that guy, the one ­people knew they could count on. When it came to his family, he wouldn’t have it any other way. But sometimes—­like when he wanted a chance to explore a beautiful blonde’s long legs without worrying about the long-­term picture—­it was just plain lonely.

“I’m not shy,” he said.

“Then lose the clothes, Brody.”

He pulled his Moore Timber T-­shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Stealing a glance at his audience, he saw her green eyes widen. She uncrossed her legs, drawing his attention to the smooth skin of her thighs. His gaze traveled up her body, leaving him wondering what lie beneath her silky shirt.

“I hope you’re not shy,” he said, his voice low and wanting, a solid reflection on how he felt. “Because I want to watch.”

“Tempting. But this is your celebration. I think I should stay on the sidelines and play lifeguard.” Her sultry tone left him wondering what she sounded like in bed.

“You’re worried I’ll need saving?” He released his belt buckle and undid his pants before realizing he needed to remove his boots first. Maybe he would need her to come to his rescue.

“What if you push yourself to the point of exhaustion?”

“I know my limits.” And he’d never come anywhere close to them, not on a rescue, or in the bedroom. Seeing the way she stared at him—­as if the universe would grant her the X-­ray vision to peek beneath his black boxers if she looked long and hard—­he wondered: would her limits line up with his? Just how far was she willing to take this game?

“Sure you don’t want to join me?” He looked her straight in the eye, letting her see how damn much he wanted to get her wet.

“My underwear isn’t exactly appropriate for swimming.”

Show me. Let me decide.

Knowing he was seconds away from demanding that she strip, Brody turned and headed for the pool. He needed to slip into the lukewarm water before he proposed a different kind of celebration.

“Brody, wait.”

He paused, one hand gripping the railing. “Change your mind about playing lifeguard?” he growled.