“One he doesn’t need right now,” Brody said.

She nodded, meeting his serious gaze. Brody had heard her words and applied them to their situation. But a few nights of kinky sex didn’t have to be complicated. Not for Josh, or for his reserved-­in-­public/wild-­in-­the-­bedroom big brother.

No, don’t go there! You can’t get involved, a little voice shouted in her head. She was here to focus on her job.

“I’m writing that down. Doctor green-­lighted sex.” Josh glanced up the table at Brody. “Maybe you should ask the doctor if she has any advice for you, bro? Ways to spice up your personal life.”

“Josh,” his sister said, her tone somewhere between teasing and serious. “Leave Brody alone. He’s only trying to help.”

“I would be happy to sit down with your brother and talk through his feelings,” Kat said. Her teasing words might come back to haunt her, but she couldn’t help poking the man who looked like he might shatter from tension. “But I doubt your big brother needs my advice.”

Josh let out a bark of laughter. “I like you, Dr. Arnold. So, when do we make our first cake?”

AN HOUR LATER, seated in the cab of Brody’s truck as they sped down the two-­lane country roads, Kat gave the first meeting with Josh a mental V for victory. Brody’s little brother liked her. That would make presenting him with challenging and sometimes frustrating tasks much easier. And yes, she felt a tiny bit bad that those words—­I like you, Dr. Arnold—­had come at Brody’s expense. Judging from his stony expression, Brody wasn’t ready to do cartwheels over her progress.

“For the record, I never mentioned last night,” she said.

“Thank you.” He bit out the words as if still struggling to keep his frustration under lock and key.

“And I meant what I said, I’m happy to listen if you need someone to talk to,” she added.

“I don’t need a shrink,” he said. “Last night didn’t happen because I’d hit a breaking point or was overwhelmed with relief.”

“Are you sure?” she asked softly, even though the answer might cut open a fresh wound. And right now, driving through this town, she didn’t need anything else pulling at her defenses.

“I took one look at your legs and I wanted to taste every inch of you,” he growled. “Kat, I can’t escape the mental picture of you up against that door. And, right now, driving past Mrs. Henry’s goat farm, your panties are burning a freaking hole in my pocket.”

“You found my underwear?” A smile formed on her lips. Knowing this man wanted her—­not an escape from the stress bearing down on him—­spoke to a part of her brain she’d tried to intentionally disconnect in college and medical school. The part that made her draw hearts in her high school notebook around the words Brody & Kat.


“Planning to return them?”

He hit the break and turned the wheel, bringing the truck to a dead stop on the side of the two-­lane road. Guiding the stick into Park with near-­frantic movements, Brody lifted his hips and withdrew the thong from his pocket.

“Here.” His gaze locked with hers as he held out the forgotten panties.

Without looking away, she plucked them from his hand, her fingers brushing his, sending electric pulses racing through her. Her body begged to even the orgasm count right here in the front seat of his truck.

“Thank you.” She ran her tongue over her lips, drawing his attention. Every inch of her body screamed Kiss me, take me, now. “Brody—­”

“I can’t.” Shifting in his seat—­it didn’t take a series of anatomy lectures from medical school to recognize the fact that this man was very turned on—­Brody put the truck in Drive. “You’re my brother’s doctor,” he added.

“That’s right. Josh’s. Not yours,” she said as he merged onto the road. “What’s between us has nothing to do with your brother’s treatment. You have my word on that.”

He shook his head. “It’s too complicated.”

“I know,” she admitted. “But it might be fun.”

And a welcome distraction from unwanted memories.

Glancing out the window, she saw the familiar sights of Main Street. They were close to the hotel now. She could use the distraction to make some new memories there. He could take control, whisper his fantasies in her ear—­anything to keep her focused on the here and now.

“Just think about it, Brody,” she added, her gaze focused on the Falls Hotel as they pulled into the parking lot. “Please.”


ITTING NEXT TO Dr. Katherine Arnold was like steering a semi hauling a load of logs through an unexpected whiteout. He had no clue what she would do or say next. He’d fought the urge to yell “What the hell” when she’d hinted at his sex life while seated at his kitchen table. He wanted to rein her in, to fight for control even though he couldn’t for the life of him anticipate what would come out of her mouth next.