Katie nodded and looked up from the murky depths, taking his hand. Bending his knees, he helped her climb on.

“I’ll come back for the bags,” he promised once she sat on his shoulders, her knees bent and hooked under his arms.

With his hands on her calves, he stepped forward. He felt her fingers grip his short hair. “You won’t drop me?” she asked.

“I’ve got you, Katie. Trust me.”

Chapter 12

KATIE FOCUSED ON the cabin, the muscles in her legs flexing, gripping tight to Liam. They were halfway there, with the water lapping at his ankles, but he didn’t put her down. He kept his promise, never letting her touch the water.

“We’re almost there,” Liam said, rubbing his hand over her calf. “You can relax.”

She glanced down, feeling her leg muscles tremble. “I didn’t want to fall.”

“I’d never let you,” he said, stepping onto dry land. He moved to the grass and crouched. “Ready to stand on your own two feet?”

Katie unhooked her legs and slid down his broad back. The feel of his body against hers pushed against the fear, demanding room for desire. Stand on her own—she’d been working toward that for so long. Ever since Liam had walked out of her life. But she wanted him back—for now, for tonight—and her reasons were as muddied as the lake water.

“I’m going to get the bags,” he said. “Wait here.”

He turned and waded into the water. When Liam was knee-deep in the murky depths, she withdrew her phone. She had every reason to call her brothers. She and Liam were stranded with their vehicles on the other side of the reservoir. She could ask Brody, Chad, and Josh to come for her, tonight, while she seduced the man who’d carried her to shore, asking for her trust. She could guarantee her brothers refused to give in to Moore Timber. She could stop Brody from making a stupid business decision because he thought it was in her best interest.

Her fingers moved across the screen, texting Chad, confirming that he would feed the animals as promised. She told him that she’d arrived at the cabin and was not sure when she’d be back. No mention of Liam or the boat stuck on a stump.

Liam returned to shore holding their bags and the groceries above his head. The muscles in his arms bulged from exertion, taut and tempting. But it wasn’t the need to touch and explore the contours of his body that kept her from demanding her brothers rush out to the cabin.

Desire had a way of wrecking even the best-laid plans for revenge. And forgiveness followed close behind.

She’d spent seven years holding the past against him. But she was finding it harder and harder to cling on to the anger. He’d made a mistake. Violated her trust. And in the aftermath, she’d built walls to protect herself. Those barriers had taken years to construct. But she’d been taking them down brick by brick ever since he’d walked her home carrying her rescued goat.

Liam stopped in front of her, dripping wet from the waist down. “Ready to check out the cabin?”

Katie nodded, leading the way up the manicured yard to the structure that stood twice as large as any “cabin.” The three-bedroom, log-cabin-style house featured a wraparound porch. At one end, under a covered gazebo, stood a swing covered in ornate pillows, and a pair of rocking chairs. In the center, the porch led to an expansive deck complete with a barbecue grill and seating for eight, maybe more.

She headed around the side, to the front of the house, and marched up the three steps to the door. A lockbox hung from the knob. Retrieving the slip of paper from her pocket, she entered the combination provided by the owner and found the key. She opened the door, stepped inside, and held it for Liam. He set the bags down, careful not to cross the threshold.

“Are you coming in?” she asked.

“I don’t want to track water and mud through this place.” Bending over, he unlaced his sneakers. “That rug you’re standing on looks like it’s worth more than anything in my house.”

Setting his shoes aside, she watched as his hands moved to his waistband. The soaking wet fabric hit the deck, revealing his muscular legs. His T-shirt followed, leaving him in a pair of dripping wet boxer briefs.

Katie drew her lower lip between her teeth, taking in the defined lines of his muscular body. And his abs . . . She wanted to reach out and run her fingers over him. Touch him. Taste him . . .

Logic told her to close the door. But her hands refused to obey. Out here, alone with Liam, feeling as if she’d left the past on the opposite shore, she couldn’t look away.

“Is this your idea of foreplay?” she asked.

“Covered in lake water? No.” He let out a low chuckle. “I’m going to take a rinse in the shower. When I get back, I’ll start dinner.”

He turned, walked down the steps, and disappeared around the side of the cabin. Maybe it wasn’t his idea of foreplay, but the sight of his backside in those wet, clinging shorts? Katie slowly closed the door. She wanted to seduce him. But not in the shower. Liam desired a bed.

“In this place there has to be more than one,” she murmured, picking up the bags. Setting groceries on the green marble kitchen counter, she scanned the expansive space. There was an island at one end, with three bar stools. The range top stood in the center of the space, attached to the island. High-end appliances lined the counters. The description had included a chef’s kitchen, but she’d thought that meant it came with pots and pans.

Katie turned and headed down the hall. The first bedroom held a pair of built-in wooden bunks. She headed for the second and found a queen-size bed. Nice, but she had a feeling she could do better. Opening the third door, she spotted a bedroom set that belonged in a magazine. The room featured large timber pieces, including a four-poster bed covered in pillows and deep green blankets. It was like an island. And Katie had a feeling that once she climbed onto it she would never want to leave.

She set her bag down on wooden bench at the foot of the bed. Unzipping it, she withdrew the black satin slip with the lace trim. The store had labeled it a nightgown, but she couldn’t imagine keeping it on that long. Stripping out of her jeans and shirt, she pulled on the fitted lingerie. The silky fabric grazed the tops of her thighs and dipped low between her breasts.