“Your what?” Hands dropped to his side as he peered into her wagon. “What the hell are you doing dressed up and driving around with livestock in your car?”

“I was looking at potential spots for Georgia’s bachelorette.”

Liam looked at her, eyebrows raised. “You’re throwing my little sister a party that involves goats?”

“They were at one of the venues. The owner was planning to take them to the slaughterhouse. Even the baby. So I bought them. And we are not having Georgia’s party there.”

He looked at her as if she’d exchanged her common sense for the animals currently eating her car. And she suspected her brothers’ reaction would match Liam’s what-am-I-going-to-do-with-you expression.

“Guess I’m walking you home.”

“No. I’ll be fine on my own.”

“I’m not letting you go alone, Katie.”

He turned and headed for his motorcycle. Her eyes narrowed and she debated picking up the flat spare and tossing it at him. He didn’t have the right to make that call.

“No,” she insisted. “I—”

“Will need help with your goats. You might be able to walk home, but what about that little one in your backseat?”

Common sense told her that as much as she hated to admit it, Liam was right. Leading three goats on a hike would be a challenge. Keeping the animals safe trumped the fact that she’d be forced to make the trek with him.

“I’ll park my bike beside your wagon,” he added, knowing he’d won. “You get your goats.”

She opened the truck and picked up two lead lines designed to hook into her horses’ halters. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him shrug off his leather jacket, revealing arms toned to perfection from years of felling trees. Seven years had passed since she’d touched those muscles, and he’d only grown bigger and more imposing.

But she refused to let him cast a spell over her a second time. He wasn’t the only one who’d changed, gotten stronger. Except her strength was on the inside.

“You don’t have the walk the whole way. Once I get to the second turn, there is cell service. And it’s only three miles to home.”

“If you follow the road.” Liam nodded to the wooded area to their left. “Less if we cut through there.”

“No.” Katie hooked the lead line around the first goat’s neck. “We’ll get lost.”

“I know where I’m going, Katie.” His voice was strong and sure. But Liam never showed weakness, except . . .

“I’m going to come.”

His fingers covered hers, guiding her, showing her how to touch him.

“Now,” he added, and his hand fell away. He leaned back, every muscle in his body tensing. She watched in awe as his hips thrust up, demanding more from her.

“Faster,” he ordered. She obeyed, shifting her wide-eyed gaze to his face. Brown eyes open, he started back, allowing her to witness the way his climax swept over him, rendering him vulnerable, completely lost in pleasure.

In that moment, she thought he was handing over a piece of his heart. Believing he had, she gave him hers. She allowed him to take her further, teach her more. . .

Katie shut her eyes tight. It had all been an illusion. If Liam Trulane had granted her a part of himself in those moments, he’d stolen it back. And she hadn’t realized until it was too late.

Back then her world had narrowed day by day, with each kiss, until there was only Liam. She’d given him everything—her body, her love, and the ability to write her future. She’d drawn him away from his well-intentioned reasons for holding back, until they stood together in a place dominated by L-words.

At the time, she’d labeled it love. But after a month of needing, begging, and finally getting what she wanted, she’d learned in the worst possible way that it was nothing more than lust.

“Cutting through the woods will be faster than following the road,” he said, pulling her away from the memories that spoke to parts of her body still craving his attention, even now after all this time—after the way things ended.

Liam walked over and took the first goat’s lead, his hand brushing against hers. She pulled back as if he’d singed her skin.

His lips curled into a smile. “Trust me, Katie.”