On the dock, he reluctantly set her down and picked up a towel. He wrapped it around her, rubbing her arms to warm her up. He looked down at her chest. “You’re cold.”


The towel slipped through his fingers, falling to the dock.

Georgia looked up at him, watching and waiting. But he didn’t touch her. He wanted her, so damn much, but there were things he needed to tell her, about Liam, the investigation—

“Close your eyes,” she said softly.


“Shh.” She pressed her finger against his lips, silencing him. “This might surprise you, but I have a long list of things I want to do to you too. Please close your eyes.”

This time, he honored her request. The second he did, he felt her fingertips on his shoulders. He swallowed a gasp. The other night, he’d been the one doing the touching and exploring. But he wasn’t going to deny the fact that he liked having the tables turned.

He felt her shift close, her breath tickling his ear.

“Push your responsibilities aside. Just enjoy the moment,” she said. “Easier said than done. Believe me, I know. But try. Trust me. Tonight, I’ve got you.”

Her lips brushed the skin behind his ear. And then the feel of her body hovering close to his, her mouth on him, vanished. He was tempted to open his eyes.

“Keep them closed,” she said. Her voice sounded lower. The grass at his feet rustled, and a fully formed picture of what was happening, what she planned to do, filled his mind.

“Georgia.” Her name on his lips was a plea to both keep going and stop.

Her hands wrapped around him, running up and down his dick. He moaned.

“I haven’t reached the good part yet.” He felt the words on the skin her hands continued to caress, up and down. One hand fell away, wrapping around his body, holding him close. Her tongue licked away the moisture slipping out the tip of his erection.

Eric opened his eyes and stared up at the stars. Her lips surrounded him, taking him so damn deep. He felt the sides of her hollow cheeks.

“Georgia.” He laced his fingers through her hair, drawing her down farther. His hips thrust forward, demanding control as he set the rhythm. She didn’t pull back.

“Georgia, stop me if this is too much,” he managed through clenched teeth.

She dug her fingers into his ass. She wasn’t letting go. Knowing she wanted this, shit, that turned him on.

One, two, three. He counted the stars, trying to hold off. He made it to five.

“I’m going to come.” He released her head, waiting for her to pull back. But she didn’t. Eric closed his eyes and let the orgasm wash over him. Right here, right now, it was pretty damn easy to follow her advice and live in the moment.

Slowly, Georgia let him go. He offered his hand, pulling her up and into his arms.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” she said, tracing small circles on his chest.

“I have to admit, I’m hard-pressed to find a reason we waited so long.”

“There’s a long list,” she said softly, her smile fading. “Trust me.”

Shit, he knew he’d brought those reasons to the forefront of her mind. And his.

Eric stepped back, gently releasing her. He picked up the second towel, securing it around his waist, watching as she did the same. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, Eric drew her against his side and headed up the hill to the house, stopping to retrieve the monitor.

“I want you to spend the night with me,” he said. “In my bed.”


Eric exhaled and relief seeped in. Deep down, he’d been afraid she’d retreat to her own room, pushing him away again. “Good.”