“Yeah. You deserve it.”

“You swear Georgia’s not pregnant?” he said, because shit, this sounded like the kind of offer a man made before he told his friend he’d knocked up his sister.

Eric smiled. “Not yet. One step at a time. First, I’m going to marry her.”

“I hope you’ll do that with or without the promise of more kids,” Liam said. “I’m still trying to erase the mental picture of you two in your kitchen from my mind—”

“I’m sorry,” Eric said, his tone leaving no doubt he was 100 percent sincere. “You never should have seen that.”

“But,” Liam continued, “you helped her move on. I couldn’t do that. I wanted to, but I couldn’t see past her wild thrill rides. I’ve been walking around terrified she’d decide to go back. To the army.” He shook his head. “But now she has you.”

“She’s not leaving,” Eric said firmly.

“Yeah, and I think your ways of keeping her here are better than my plans to lock her in my spare bedroom. Not that I want details.”

Eric smiled, leaning back in his chair. “So we’re good? You’ll accept the offer?”

“You mean will I take part of your company?” Liam clapped his hands together. “Hell, yes.”

“Part of the company for a bigger role in the business,” Eric reminded him. “I’m handing you a lot of extra hours.”

“I think I can handle it.”

“Good.” Eric stood and picked up a file from his desk. “I’m looking to buy Summers Family Trucking. They’re struggling financially right now.” He held out the folder. “Here are their numbers.”

Liam took the folder. “We’d benefit from having our own operation instead of relying on contractors. No question about it.”

“Especially after what happened with B&B.”

Liam nodded, pretending to read through the numbers on the pages. He didn’t understand half of it, partly because his mind could focus on only one thing. “Summers Family Trucking, huh?”

Eric leaned against the front of his desk, his arms crossed in front of him. “Will that be a problem?”

“Might be for them.”

“I’m guessing they’re going to overlook the past,” Eric said. “They’ll go under if they don’t sell, and we’re their only option.”

Liam nodded. “And they’re probably jumping at the chance to sell to you. They can trust you won’t send everyone packing and sell the company for parts. But they probably won’t like that fact that I’m part of the equation now.”

“You’ve been my number two for years. They know that. And the way you left things with Katie—you didn’t do anything wrong back then.”

“Brothers are funny when it comes to their sisters.”

“I know.” Eric ran a hand over the faded bruises on his face. “In any other situation, I’d never let you land those punches.”

“You hurt Georgia in any way, and we’ll find out.”

Eric sobered. “I love her and I’m going to take care of her. Always.”

“I know you will.”

All those years ago, he’d tried to do the same by Katie. But it had blown up in his face. He wanted a second chance. And it wasn’t the threat of a three-against-one fight with her brothers that was keeping him from trying. When he went after her, he wanted to be sure she’d say yes.

“When I said I planned to marry Georgia first?” Eric said, drawing Liam’s thoughts away from the past. “I’m going to ask her. Soon. I’d like your blessing.”

Liam stared long and hard at the man he’d considered his best friend since he was a kid, the man his little sister had turned to after all the shit she’d been through in the army.

“You have it.”