“Uncle Eric!”

He turned and spotted his nephew running up the curved sidewalk, holding Katie’s hand. Eric dropped to one knee, gathering the little boy in his arms. “Hey, buddy. I’m sorry I couldn’t come get you today.” He drew back, running his hand through Nate’s hair. “Are you OK?”

“What happened to Georgia?” he demanded, his eyes wild with fear and worry.

Eric glanced up at Katie. He’d told her to keep Nate away from the scene of the accident, and then he’d sent a quick text asking her to meet him here. But he hadn’t offered instruction on how to tell a three-year-old who’d lost his parents in a car crash he probably didn’t remember about today’s events. Hell, he didn’t have a clue.

Katie shook her head, and he guessed she hadn’t said much.

“Georgia was in a car accident,” he said.

“She’s in heaven now?”

“No,” Eric said quickly. “She’s fine. She hurt her arm and a couple of other places, but she is OK. You can see for yourself. When the doctors finish taking care of her, we’ll visit.”

Nate nodded, looking past Eric to the automatic double doors at the hospital’s entrance. “They gave her a Band-Aid?”

Eric stood and took his nephew’s hand. They headed for the doors with Katie following close behind. “Yeah, they gave her some Band-Aids.”

“What kind? Superhero or train?”

“I don’t know. We’ll have to ask her,” he said. “But my guess is superhero.”

She’d been pulled from a totaled car, and still she’d been worried for the drunken fool in the other vehicle. She’d gone to war and returned stronger than the people she’d left behind. She’d opened her heart to him, a man who in many ways was still as caught up in childhood as the little boy she cared for, afraid everyone he loved would abandon him. And she’d stayed, when it would have been so much easier and safer to walk away. As far as he was concerned, that was the definition of superhero.

ERIC WALKED INTO her hospital room, and relief washed over her. He’d been her rock today, solid and stable when she’d crumbled. The wreck, knowing the passenger in the other car died, left her shaken. But he’d been there, holding her together. He’d asked for her trust, and she’d given it. It was as if she’d leapt off a cliff. Loving him was one thing. But believing he’d be there, ready and waiting to break her fall, to pick up the pieces? In that moment, when he’d held her hand, she’d understood for the first time that she didn’t have to be strong every minute of every day.

Because she had him.

Her arm ached and her head felt as if she’d witnessed an IED blast, but still, it was as if a great weight had been lifted. The nightmares, the fears—she was going to put them behind her. One day. Not because she was strong or had frozen the memories in the pond. She’d move forward because love and trust were on her side.


She’d been so focused on the man she hadn’t seen the little boy holding his hand. Nate ran to the side of her bed. Katie followed them into the room, a soft smile attempting to mask the concern in her friend’s eyes.

“Hi, kiddo,” Georgia said.

“Did you get a Band-Aid?” he demanded.

Georgia laughed, and even though her side ached and her muscles screamed for her to stop, it felt good. “More than one.”

The sound of boots hitting the ground, like an elephant leading a race, echoed in the hall. Holding Nate’s hand with her good one, she glanced at the door.

“Georgia.” Liam rushed in, moving to the side of her bed. He lowered his forehead to hers and hugged her tight. “You scared me. When I heard Eric’s message. Jesus.” He squeezed tighter. “I thought I’d lost you.”

“I’m OK. No major damage. Promise.”

He stepped back and looked her over, assessing for himself. “You’re sure?”

She nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure. They’re releasing me tomorrow. Just one night for observation. That’s all.”

“Good. That’s good,” he said. “You’ll come home?”

Georgia hesitated. She knew she’d held on to her anger long enough. Liam loved her and had been trying his best to take care of her. When he’d walked into the kitchen and found her naked with his friend, he’d been trying to protect her. She might not need him to fight her battles for her, but he was her brother. He’d always try.


“She’s coming home.” Eric stepped forward, moving beside Nate on the other side of her bed. “With me.”