The way he held her, there was no escape. Her body didn’t want one, she realized as her back arched, encouraging him. One of his hands released her, dipping into the water until he touched the one place guaranteed to make her cry out and beg for mercy.

“Yes, Eric!” she screamed, not caring if anyone heard her cries. No one else mattered right now. Just Eric.

Her orgasm descended on her, swift and fierce. The sensations were perfect. And entirely too much. Even out here in the open air, under the night sky, she felt overwhelmed. Her body trembled, threatening to give way beneath her.

“I’ve got you,” Eric said, his voice low and gruff as his arm snaked around her waist, his hips still thrusting against her as he sought his own release. She knew when he found it, felt him still behind her and heard him moan.

Georgia lowered her forehead to the edge of the hot tub, fighting back tears as the rush of feeling hit her. He could have been anyone, standing behind her, pushing her closer and closer until she shattered. But he wasn’t. It was Eric, the man who’d had a hold on her heart for years.

Slowly, he pulled back, withdrawing his arm from around her waist. She sank farther into the water, keeping her eyes closed and her head pressed against the tub’s edge.

Being out here, removed from the rest of the world, no longer felt safe. What they’d shared wasn’t about the game or the rush. It was about her and Eric. How they had sex and where didn’t change the fact that every touch pushed against her emotions. Desire, need, friendship, and something that felt an awful lot like love swirled around and around inside her like a riptide threatening to pull her under.

“Georgia?” Eric’s hands wrapped around her waist, drawing her onto his lap. She went willingly, resting her head against his shoulder.

There were so many things she wanted to say. Don’t let me go. I need you. I feel so much for you, and it scares me.

“That was the best game of truth or dare ever,” she said, hoping the words would lift her back to emotional safety.

Eric chuckled. “Yeah. It was wild.”

“And that works for you?” She lifted her head off his shoulder, wanting to see his expression.

“You work for me, Georgia.” He tightened his hold on her, but his attention shifted to the darkness beyond the deck. “The chance that someone could have seen us, did that turn you on?”

No. She wanted to say the word, but if she did, he’d ask why she refused to move inside. And she wasn’t ready to tell him about how deep her feelings ran for him and how much that frightened her.

She shrugged. “I don’t mind a little added excitement. But I’m glad you turned off the light.”

He didn’t say anything. His hands moved over her skin, stroking her hip, running over the top of her leg, as if even now he couldn’t stop touching her.

“I’m getting a little warm,” she said, taking his hand in hers as she stood in the water. “Maybe we should get out?”

Eric nodded, following her out of the tub and onto the deck. “I need to call my mother. Check in on Nate.” He released her, moving to a wooden storage bin and withdrawing two towels.

“I should also run back to the Clam Shack and pick up the car,” he said, wrapping the towel around his waist. “You want to settle in while I’m gone? It’s early and we have all night. We could watch a movie. Want to pick something?”

Chick flick or action movie? They were back to simple choices. Safe, solid ground. Decisions she could handle, ones that didn’t push too far, too fast.

“Sure.” Georgia secured her towel. “There’s a new Ryan Gosling movie that just released on DVD. It is probably on pay-per-view too.”

He winced, but nodded in agreement. “Sounds good.”

“It’s based on a romance novel,” she added.

“OK.” He turned and punched a code into the lock on the door. It beeped twice and the door unlocked. Reaching inside, he turned on the light.

“You seriously want to watch a tear-jerking romance movie?” she asked, moving toward the open doorway. She knew he’d choose action/adventure any day.

“Georgia, I’ve barely slept this past week. Chances are I’m going to crash within the first five minutes. So pick whatever you want.”

She smiled and walked past him into the condo. “Ryan Gosling, here we come.”

Thirty minutes later, Eric joined her on the brown leather couch in front of the big-screen television. He’d changed into a white undershirt and flannel pajama pants that hung low on his hips, offering a glimpse of his chiseled stomach. And he’d selected a can of beer from the fridge.

“I see you found ice cream,” he said, nodding at the carton in her hand.

She licked her spoon clean. “You can’t watch a chick flick without chocolate.”