“Then we’ll turn around and drop you first,” Lily said. “It’s a lot faster by car than on foot.”

Caroline couldn’t think of another reason not to accept the ride. If she kept protesting, Mr. Air Force would start asking questions.

“Fine.” Caroline looked left, then right, and crossed the street. When she reached the other side, she found Lily’s passenger standing beside the open door.

Maybe Lily had been right to dismiss Caroline’s concerns. This man looked like he’d walked off a movie set with his chiseled jaw and perfect brown hair.

But then her gaze swept over the line of medals on his chest. Those were real and she doubted this smiling God among men had swiped them from an air force officer to complete his costume.

“I’m Ryan,” he said, holding out his hand. “Old friend of Lily’s.”

“He’s one of the original three musketeers,” Lily called from inside the truck. “Dominic and Noah’s best friend from grade school. He played football with them.”

Caroline glanced over her shoulder at the man holding the door for her. Football? He was pretty, but he didn’t exactly have Noah or Dominic’s imposing build.

“I was the kicker,” Ryan explained as he climbed up behind her. “I left to join the military when they did. But while Noah went to the Marines and Dominic to the army, I made the right call, seeing as I’m the only one still serving, and settled on the air force.”

“Dominic would still be a ranger if he hadn’t been injured,” Lily pointed out.

“True,” Ryan said. “But I think he’s better off here with you.”

The front bench in Dominic’s pickup could technically hold three ­people. Still, it was a tight fit. Caroline felt Ryan’s hand brush against her leg as he buckled his seat belt. But after that, he shifted toward the door. No physical contact. But he was giving her a curious look.

“So what brought you—­”

“Ryan’s back in town for Noah and Josie’s wedding,” Lily cut in as she executed an illegal U-­turn. She glanced across the crowded cab as she drove them back toward downtown. “I went and picked him up at the airport so that he could surprise his parents. He didn’t tell them that he’s taking a full two weeks off. Isn’t that sweet?

“And now when does Helena get in?” Lily continued without waiting for an answer to her first question. And Caroline decided to reconsider her brownie ban. Her friend clearly didn’t plan to let Ryan guide the conversation.

“I don’t know if Helena is going to make it,” he said.

“What?” Lily’s eyes widened, but she kept her focus on the road. “First she runs off and gets married without inviting any of her friends from home and now she won’t even come back for Noah’s wedding?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know what’s going on with her. Last time I talked to her she didn’t sound like herself. I told her I’d be around for two weeks this time. I even said I could swing down to California and visit her. But she quickly told me that her husband wouldn’t like it.”

“He’s jealous,” Lily said.

“Of what?” Ryan grumbled. “I was her friend.”

“Hmm,” Lily murmured as she sped past the university. “Maybe I’ll give her a call and try to convince her to visit. I ran into her mother at the bank. And she said Helena sends regular checks to help with the farm, but she never visits.”

Lily turned to her. “Helena’s mom raises Highland cattle. The meat is good and sells well. But she’s had a few streaks of bad luck. Sick cows . . .”

Caroline let Lily’s monologue drift over her. Familiar landmarks ticked by outside the window. A few more blocks and they would be at the bar. And free from an air force officer who had questions she couldn’t answer.

Although if she planned to attend Noah’s wedding, she would have to come up with something to say if anyone asked how she knew the bride and groom. And she suspected the groom stood by me when he found out I was being raped by our commanding officer would only lead to more questions.

But she couldn’t skip Noah’s wedding. He’d tried to protect her while they were deployed together. He’d found the number for the hotline when she’d given up hope of lodging a formal complaint against their commanding officer. And then, after they returned, once she’d pressed charges, Noah had testified on her behalf. He’d sworn under oath in a military court that she was telling the truth about their commanding officer. He’d risked his military career for her, though they both knew he wanted out when his term of ser­vice ended.

Nearly two years had passed since then, but she would never forget. All those nights on the base in Afghanistan when he’d gotten up and escorted her to t

he bathroom so that their CO wouldn’t find her alone . . .

Noah had done everything he could to protect her. So one week from today, she would put on a dress and face her fears. After all, she couldn’t hide forever. At some point, she had to reclaim her life—­or at least pieces of it.

Lily pulled into the Big Buck’s staff parking lot. “Looks like you have a visitor, Caroline.”

She jumped. And she was pretty sure Ryan hadn’t missed her reaction.