Josh raised an eyebrow. “We need to work on your superhero disguises.”

“Most ­people only see what they’re expecting to see,” she said. “And I doubt Dustin’s been looking over his shoulder, wondering if I’m waiting outside his window. As much as I wanted to, I never threatened his safety. And believe me, there were nights when we were deployed that I wanted sneak into his bunk and hold a knife to his . . .” She stole a glance at Josh. “Well, not his throat.”

“Caroline, I’ve wanted to threaten this asshole with the blade of a knife since I met you. And I’m being completely honest when I say that I’ve never had an interest in touching another man’s junk.” He cocked his head. “What stopped you?”

She shrugged. “He was bigger and stronger. He’d overpowered me before and I knew he could do it again. Also, he’d trained i

n hand-­to-­hand combat and he slept in a room filled with men who would have taken his side.”

“I would have taken yours,” he said, leveling her with a hard, fierce look. “I am on your side. You know that, right?”

She nodded.

“I want to hurt this asshole. But I have a personal interest in keeping you out of jail,” he continued. “So I have to ask. Where’s your gun, honey?”

“Locked in its case,” she said with a regretful sigh. “And tucked in my pack. I thought it would be too tempting.”

“Let’s keep it there,” he said. “Now I’m ready for a walk by if you are.”

The steps bled together—­getting out of the truck, taking his hand, and walking up the sidewalk—­and she focused on the rush of adrenaline. She refused to acknowledge the fear. It had been the same when she’d driven a truck down a road potentially lined with IEDs in the Middle East. Focus on the rush of energy. Hone in on the mission.

They walked up the cement path leading to the front of the pale yellow building. Steps from the strangely pleasant looking structure, the path divided, leading to two separate ground level units. Stairs ran up both sides providing access to the second story.

A brown cardboard box stood in front of the door on the right. Caroline stopped and stared at it.

Just a box. Not a threat.

The door to the unit on the left swung open and she turned her attention to their destination—­unit 1B. But the young blonde in the doorway wasn’t her target.

“Hi there,” the blonde called as she shifted a toddler clutching a stuffed penguin to her other hip. “If you’re looking for Angela, she moved out last week. Her mom’s ill so she picked up and went home to San Diego. But I’m forwarding her mail if you want me to tell her that you stopped by.”

“Hello,” Josh said, firing up his charm. He grinned at the woman in the doorway before turning his smile to the shy child in her arms. “I’m Brody.”

Oh really? she thought.

“We’re not looking for Angela. My girl and I were just passing through and wanted to look up an old friend,” he continued.

Or spy on him. . .

“Do you know Dustin?” he asked. “He lived in 1B—­your unit—­a while back.”

The blonde shook her head and shifted the child a second time. “Sorry, he must have moved on. I’ve been here six months and I know everyone.”

Josh wrapped his arm around Caroline and pulled her close. “I told you we should have called first, sweet pea,” he said in mock chastisement.

She nodded and turned to the nosy mother who hadn’t offered her name. “Sorry to bother you. My silly idea to drop in on him. Back to the truck, honey pie.”

With Josh’s arm still wrapped around her, she spun on the heel of her combat boot and headed for the truck. “You should stick with logging and baking,” she muttered. “Your acting skills need work.”

“Yeah, I’ve never been good at lying,” he said as he unlocked the passenger side door and held it open for her. “But at least we confirmed that he’s moved on.”

She nodded as she climbed into the truck. The door closed and she took one last look at the sunshine-­yellow building.

Dustin wasn’t there.

A fresh wave of fear hit her and threatened to draw her under. It was a like a current that could hold her down until her lungs begged for air. But she fought back drawing a sharp inhale.

Inhale, my ass. That was a sob.