“You’re kidding,” he said, glancing down at her.

She looked up at him and her expression didn’t give anything away. She appeared downright somber with her wide green eyes staring into his. And she didn’t pull away and tense beneath his touch.

“Magic Mike XXL,” she said. “I haven’t seen it—­”

“But now you’re dying to know what happens next?”

“I saw a few commercials and watched a preview online,” she said. “I have a pretty good idea.”

“I guess I know what we’re watching on our next movie night,” he said.

“You know,” she said, pulling away and shifting to sit facing him on the bed with her legs crossed, “I’m not sure I can wait until our next date for more male strippers. Why don’t you show me what you’ve got?”

Her sensual, playful tone, so different from her guarded responses in Big Buck’s back room—­or the broken note he’d heard earlier when she’d tried to explain how Noah had done what she couldn’t when faced with an impossible situation in a damn war zone—­left only one response.

Yes, Caroline, I’ll take off my clothes for you.

But there was one problem with that knee-­jerk reply.

“Caroline, I can’t dance,” he said. “Not like the guys in the movie.”

“Sorry,” she said softly. And yeah, he could hear the teasing edge slipping away. “I got caught up in the . . .”

“Heat?” He pushed off the bed and reached for the edge of his T-­shirt. He’d pulled the fabric up a few inches before he remembered to move his hips. He rocked them from side to side. He was pretty damn sure he looked like a fool. But then her jaw fell open and her tongue ran over her bottom lip.

“What are you doing?” she demanded. She sounded as if one more hip thrust would send her voice spiraling into sultry territory.

“I’m giving it a shot.” He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. “Stepping out of my comfort zone.”

She nodded and her gaze had narrowed in on his stomach. “I’ve been doing that a lot lately,” she murmured.

“Oh yeah?” His hands moved to his silver belt buckle. But instead of freeing his belt, he focused on the hip thrusts, up and back as if he were pushing into her . . .

She’d have to be blind to miss the outline of his dick begging for freedom from his jeans. And judging by the way she leaned forward, shifting her weight to her hands on the bed . . .

Not blind.

She rose up on her knees. “Come here,” she said.

He abandoned the erratic movements and stepped up to the edge of the bed.

“Have you ever danced like that for anyone else?” she asked as she placed her palms on his chest.

“No,” he growled.

“Good.” She leaned closed and pressed her lips to his.

I’m yours, he thought as he released his belt buckle and reached for her. Your stripper, your date. . .

His fingers worked their way through her long, loose, wavy hair. He held tight to her as his tongue tangled with hers. He tried like hell to focus on kissing her. But her hands wandered, distracting him as her fingers reached for his belt and dipped beneath his jeans—­

Beep! Beep!

The car horn cut through the quiet night. Below them, one of the horses kicked the barn’s wall in response. And yeah, he felt like kicking something too.

“I have to go. That’s probably Lily,” Caroline murmured, pulling away from the kiss. But her fingers continued to toy with his belt buckle. “But I can’t wait to see you dance your way out of your pants.”

“That’s going to be one helluva third date.”