Page 75 of Mr. Misunderstood

Or maybe they’re silently demanding to know why I’m still fighting Alexandra if keeping Kayla in my life is so damn important. Why not put the truth out there and disappear to the country with Kayla? Why don’t I simply erase my shadow?

That’s Kayla’s solution. But she doesn’t understand the ramifications. I’ve built a business as Gavin Black. I’ve spent more than a decade sculpting my public image to drive sales, to stay on top, to be the best. If I cast the truth out there, it could all slip away. My success would tumble down around me.

“I can’t risk it,” I say to the dogs. “I’m still too fucking afraid of losing everything.”

But if I don’t, Kayla will walk out of my life. Or at least, retreat to best friend territory. Shit, maybe that’s all I deserve.

Ava trots over and sits down in front of me as if I issued a command.

“Good girl,” I mutter. “Let’s keep walking. M

aybe I’ll find a way out of this mess.”

Ava gives a bark.

“You have an idea?” I ask. And yeah, I’m desperate enough to take advice from a dog.

She gives another bark. A second later, I realize Ava has seen an animal or something. She’s racing toward the falling-down barn that marks the border between my property and Kayla’s country cottage.


I lead the herd in pursuit. Luna and Rocky follow at my heels, but the terrier pup runs in front of me. Cleveland’s surprisingly fast for a small dog. We reach the barn and Ava keeps running, blazing a path through Kayla’s yard.

Maybe Ava wanted to go home.

I can’t say I blame her. I’ve put these dogs through a lot. First New York City, and then an unfamiliar house in the country. They made themselves at home in both places, scratching up floors and peeing on practically every inch of Central Park. But I know it’s not the same as home.

Ava rushes through the yard but bypasses the kitchen door. I follow her around the edge of the building and spot an older man holding a package.

She’s defending her home.

But how the hell did she know someone was here? The familiar sound of a car on the driveway? The scent of a stranger rising above the other smells? I glance at the barking Shepard with new respect.

“Can you call off your dog?” the old man calls.

“What are you doing here?” I demand, content to let Ava practice her defense strategy. So far it doesn’t look as if she plans to bite the trespasser. But he’s not the UPS guy, despite the brown rectangular box in his hand.

“I was told Kayla Greene lives here.”

“That’s her dog.” I nod to Ava. I’m not ready to confirm or deny Kayla’s location.

The man takes a step back and holds the package closer to his chest. “Looks pretty good for a dog that got shot.”

The pieces click into place. “You’re the idiot hunter,” I snarl, advancing toward the man. “You tried to kill Kayla. And no, that’s not the dog you shot. You hit Luna.”

The Labrador joins in the barking but remains behind me. Soon Rocky and Cleveland move to Ava’s side, forming a loud, menacing gang.

“I’m sorry.” He holds up the package. “I came by to drop this off. I thought she might like one of those cakes from the new bakery in town.”

I don’t give a fuck about the cake. He shot at Kayla. “You could have killed her. You belong in jail where you can’t hurt anyone—”

“I’m sorry.” He sets the package on the ground and the dogs rush forward, sniffing it.

I know it will be gone in seconds if I don’t call them back. And for all I know he’s poisoned the damn thing. One glance at the old man slowly backing away from the bakery box tells me that idea is unlikely. Still, I rush forward and pick the box off the ground before the dogs tear it to pieces.

“You almost killed the woman …”

I love.