He stroked his finger around her ear. She couldn’t hide the shudder that went down her spine.

His smile broadened. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why are you apologizing for Aaron? He’s a grown man.”

“He’s a little protective.”

“I have a good idea who Aaron is and what he’s up to.”

She swallowed as he shifted forward a bit more. “I don’t think you understand the situation.”

“As I said before, time has a way of clearing up these matters.”

His breath whispered across her brow. It suddenly dawned on her that he was planning seduction, not retaliation. “You’re going to kiss me!”

She wished the words back as soon as they popped out of her mouth.

His lazy smile spread to a full-fledged grin. “Like I told your neighbor, you keep a man on his toes.”

She wasn’t sure if she wanted his mouth or not. She expected him to pull her away from the horse. That’s why she wasn’t prepared for his kiss when it came, because, instead of pulling her into his arms, he slid up against her, easing her into an embrace. His mouth brushed hers as his chest settled onto her breasts. Her gasp puffed against his lips. His chuckle vibrated against her chest.

“You got any objections?” he asked as his mouth slid across her cheek.

“Yes. No.” Was he actually nibbling on her neck? Goosebumps chased down her arms. She squeezed her eyes tightly closed and confessed on a high squeak, “I don’t know.”

She felt him pull aside the collar of her shirt. “That’s what I figured.”

He kissed the spot where her collarbone met her neck. She never knew anything could feel so good. She felt his whole body shift as he draped his arms over Shameless’ back. The move brought his entire body the length of hers. The sensation was so sublime as to be sinful. “Are you sure we should be doing this?”


“I meant here.”

“This barn’s off limits for a couple of hours.”

“A couple of hours!” What in the world did the man intend to do? Last night hadn’t taken more than a couple of minutes!

“Yup.” He shifted his torso from right to left and then back again. “A newly married man gets to make all sorts of requests.”

She opened her eyes to find his face eye-blurringly close. “You knew I’d come down to the barn with you?”

“Gotta admit you made that part real easy.”

“Why the barn? Why not the house?”

His features blurred to nothing as he kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re such a practical thing.”

“That didn’t answer my question.”

His shrug did strange things to her equilibrium. “Always wanted to spark a girl in a barn.” His mouth brushed hers again in one of those teasing touches. “You ever been sparked?”

“No.” It was a humiliating confession to be making at her age.

He leaned back. “Now, that’s a darned shame. How old did you say you were?”

“I was twenty-two last April.”

His fingers brushed her temple as he clicked his tongue. “Just a baby.”

“A lot of women have four or five kids at my age!”

“I’ll get to work on that right away if you’re set on competing.”

He tilted his head and pressed a gentle, yet strangely intense kiss on the side of her neck. “I was just making a point,” she gasped.

His lips parted. She felt the touch of his tongue before he sucked softly, and her knees turned to jelly. “Oh my God!”

“Easy, darlin’. I’ve got you.”

His “got you” was the insertion of his knee between her thighs. With a hitch, he lifted her until she was suspended there, straddling his hard thigh, the horse at her back, Asa’s mouth on her neck. It was the most astounding moment of her life.

“You like that?” he asked. His breath on her neck sent a new spray of goose bumps down her arms.

She bit her lip and nodded.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” She couldn’t begrudge the smile she heard in his voice. Her neck felt bereft when he left it to place his mouth on hers.

“Open your mouth, darlin’.”

She didn’t hesitate.

“That’s good.” The words breathed into her mouth didn’t prepare her for the sheer pleasure of his kiss. “Put your arms around my neck.”

She dragged her arms up from her sides. She felt so lethargic it was hard to do, but she found it much more satisfying when she did. It gave her the leverage she needed to prolong his kiss when he would have pulled away. When he paused for a moment, she tipped her head back, hoping he’d resume his attention to her neck. His response was a chuckle and a total commitment to the task. A restless feeling filled her. Her stomach pulled taut and the area between her thighs felt equally tight and aching. She shifted, trying to ease the sensation. Or increase it. She was no longer sure.

His big hands splayed over her hips. “Like this,” he whispered in her ear.