As he was wiping the sweat from Shameless’ underbelly, she couldn’t see his expression, but that was just as well since he couldn’t see hers. The man didn’t give two hoots about convention if it meant her safety. She was flabbergasted and, well…warmed.

She bit her lip, weighing the pluses of never again having to have those bone stays cut into her flesh against her moral obligation to protect her husband’s reputation. “People would talk.”

“I’d survive.” He tossed the rag into the corner. He grabbed a water bucket, and slapped Shameless’ shoulder. “Bet you’d like some water, big fella.”

He headed to the pump just outside the barn door. Elizabeth watched him go, words hovering on her tongue. She moved around the other side of the horse and started currying. Shameless let out a huge sigh. She patted his neck. “Feels good, huh?”

In response, he nibbled at the sheaf of hay on the floor. Over his neck, she watched Asa pump the handle that would bring up the water. It took a fair amount of effort. Through his shirt, she imagined she could see the play of muscles. Her husband was a strong man. The thought didn’t dismay her the way it had yesterday. As a matter of fact, it was kind of intriguing, watching the way his shirt stretched and clung to the muscles bunching beneath. The sight caused a funny sensation in her belly. He turned to bring the bucket back in, and she hastily dropped her gaze, which was silly as he couldn’t see into the cool interior from the bright sunshine. He set the water in front of Shameless who promptly blew suspiciously across its surface before drinking.

“I have a compromise to suggest,” she said.

“I’m listening.” He picked up the bristle brush and smoothed the hair on the opposite side of the horse.

She stopped currying, bit her lip, then took the plunge. “I’ll only wear the corset when we go into town.”

He glanced at her. “You sure?”

“As long as you make me a promise.”

“Thought there might be a catch.”

“If it ever starts to bother you, I’d like you to let me know before you make any decisions.”


“Yes. I’d like the opportunity to rectify the problem before you draw the obvious conclusions.”

He straightened from checking Shameless’ hoofs. “Conclusions?”

She felt the heat creeping into her face, but she held her ground. “Yes, before you decide my lack of corset indicates a lack of moral character, I’d like the opportunity to commence wearing it again.”

He laughed. “Darlin’, if finding you entertaining good-looking men in my kitchen in the middle of the day doesn’t get me thinking along those lines, I doubt your not strapping yourself into that contraption is going to get me doubting your ‘moral character’.”

“Aaron just stopped by to make sure I was all right.”

He came around to her side of the horse. He picked up Shameless’ front hoof and set to work with the pick. “He heard the rumors you married up again.”

“Yes.” She wished she could see his face. “He was concerned.”

“He was jealous.”

She laughed. That would be the day! “Aaron and I are just friends. He has a wife and a two-year-old son.”

He shot her a knowing glance over his shoulder. “Those things have nothing to do with his wanting you.”

“You misread the situation.”

She stepped back as he slid his hand down his horse’s side to get to the rear hoof. “I’ll allow one of us has a hold of the wrong end of the stick.”

It was clear from his tone that he thought it was her. “Does this mean you’re going to forbid me to continue our friendship?”

He dropped Shameless’ foot back to the ground and stood to his full height. “Everybody’s got to make those kinds of decisions for themselves.”

He put the pick back in the tack box behind her. She turned with him, wanting this settled. “What exactly does that mean?”

“It means,” he said, reaching out to tuck a strand behind her ear, “that time has a way of making clear who your friends are.” He took a step toward her. Suddenly, he was too close. She took a step back and came up against the warm barrier of Shameless’ side.

“You’re going to smell all horsey after this,” he informed her.

After what? she thought desperately while saying aloud, “I like horses.”

“I can see that.”

His hand cupped the back of her head. His fingers were doing something to her nape that sent chills down her spine. She couldn’t tell from his expression whether he was angry or amused. All she could tell was that he was very intent.

“You burrowing into Shameless’ side because you’re afraid?” he asked.

“I don’t understand you!” she burst out.

He smiled a slow smile that captured her attention, it was so lazy and full of promise. “You’ll figure me out eventually.”

She’d prefer now. He stepped forword, until the toes of his boots touched the toes of her shoes. Her heartbeat throbbed in her throat. Was he trying to get even with her for Aaron’s arrogance? “I’m sorry Aaron said what he did.”