And the mystery of Aubrey’s abduction in Paris was becoming clear. “They were supposed to abduct Becca, but they took Aubrey instead?”

“No. They were going to take both. When I learned of it, I thought I could stop it.” He returned his gaze to his niece, his expression one of sorrow and guilt. “I knew I couldn’t explain why I didn’t want you two to go to Paris, so I gave Becca something to make her ill.”

“You gave Becca a cold?”

“It was a small virus, nothing serious, but it made her sick enough to keep her at home. I assumed you wouldn’t go without her. I didn’t know until after you were taken that you went to Paris alone.”

“That’s why I could never find any information on her abduction,” Liam said grimly. “There were no police records. No FBI or State Department files. The authorities were never notified of her abduction, were they?”

“No. It was handled…internally.”

“But I talked to people from the State Department and the FBI,” Aubrey said. “My parents talked to them. They were kind, supportive. They told me about the prison being destroyed.”

“They were actors I hired. I gave them some talking points. Their biggest assignment was to ease everyone’s minds. I knew Matthew and Elizabeth wouldn’t let go until they were sure everything had been done that could be done. It was an elaborate scheme, but I had no choice in the matter. If I had told anyone what really happened, it would have put my family in even more danger.”

“So they were going to sell both of us into human trafficking? Becca and me?”

“No. I believe it was a scare tactic—to get me to comply. But when they realized Becca wasn’t with you, they were going to cut you loose and let those men…” He swallowed hard, and then continued, “I convinced them I would recruit Becca if they returned you. They agreed. I paid a ransom, but they were still angry.”

“That’s why that…that man said they were to send me home with a message,” Aubrey whispered. “Those stab wounds were a message to you.”

“Yes, I’m afraid so. I’m so sorry.”

Aubrey shook her head. Liam could only imagine the pain and betrayal she was feeling. In the span of a few hours, her entire world had fallen apart. Again.

“I thought you were such a hero,” she whispered. “For paying my ransom. Handling things with the authorities. But you were a traitor…to me, to my parents. To Becca.”

“I tried to make it right. Once I paid the ransom and you came home, I hoped it was over. I hoped they would reconsider.” He closed his eyes and a lone tear rolled down his pale, lined face. “But of course they wouldn’t. They still wanted my compliance—still wanted Becca. I refused again. So they—”

“They what?”

“They punished me.”

“How?” Liam asked.

“They took my wife away instead.”

“Aunt Jenny?” Aubrey whispered.


“What…what did they do?”

“Gave her some kind of drug that caused a massive stroke. I didn’t know about it until the police came to my office and told me. By the time I got to the hospital, the damage was done.”

Aubrey sprang to her feet. “Excuse me.” Covering her mouth, she ran toward the bathroom.

Liam gave Green a hard look. “Stay put.” Striding to the bathroom, he held Aubrey’s hair and rubbed her back as she vomited and gagged.

When she stopped and leaned against him, he asked, “Better?”

“No, not really.” She glanced up at him through the hair that had fallen in her face. “Is this really happening?”

He brushed the hair from her face. “I’m afraid so, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”

“What do we do now? They’re not going to stop.”

“We’re going to find out who these bastards are and stop them.”