Grabbing hold of the window frame, Liam told Ash, “I’m coming in.” Slamming his feet into the window, he crashed through.

Aubrey stood looking up at the small shattered window where Liam had been. Her heart in her throat, she had seen him climb up the wall and then almost fall to his death. She had been sitting with some of the rescued women, offering comfort where she could.

Without realizing it, she’d jumped up and started running toward him. Just when she was sure there was no way for him to save himself, he’d grabbed hold of something and halted his descent.

Knees weak, she’d then watched as he climbed back up toward the balcony, grabbing hold of what were apparently crevices in the bricks to help him move upward. It soon became apparent that he was an expert climber.

She had finally been able to breathe when he’d climbed onto the small, rickety balcony. She, along with several of the operatives, stared up at him. She hadn’t had any idea what he planned. She certainly hadn’t expected to see him hang from the window’s edge and then slam through the glass.

Multiple shots rang out and then there was silence.

Her earbud gave her an idea of what was going on.

“Thought you were going to distract him,” Ash said.

“He was out of my line of sight. Couldn’t take the chance.”

“You’re bleeding.”

“Yeah, I figured. Check on the girl. I’ll be fine.”

“Gideon, we need a medic up here,” Ash said.

“Already on my way,” Gideon answered.

Feeling helpless, Aubrey glanced over at Jazz, who stood beside her. “What can I do to help?”

Her face showing her concern, Jazz shook her head. “Nothing. Gideon has medical training. He’ll take care of them.”

Aubrey followed Jazz back to the tents that the aid workers had set up. The young women ranged in ages from late teens to mid-twenties. Those waiting to be treated sat quietly, sipping coffee or soft drinks.

“What’s the protocol now?”

“We stand by and assist where needed. Our part is mostly over. Liam and Ash will check with Tessa, the head of the aid group, to see if any of them are willing to talk to them.”

“That’s not mandatory?”

“No. Our main goal is making sure they get what they need. If Tessa believes any of them are willing to answer questions, she’ll let us know.”

“Do you ever follow up, check to see what happens to them?”

“Liam keeps tab through the various aid organizations.”

“Ash is in charge of OZ but Liam is in charge of rescues?”

“Not all of them, just the ones involving human trafficking. And speaking of the devil, look who’s here.”

Aubrey glanced around and spotted Liam walking toward them. He had more than a few cuts and scratches on his face and arms, along with two bandages, one on his left wrist and another on his neck. Other than that, he looked none the worse for wear.

She watched, secretly fascinated, as he headed directly to the first tent and stuck in his head. Several seconds later, he retreated. Each time, she saw something odd change in his demeanor. His gait when he’d walked toward the tents had been confident and determined. His shoulders had been straight and proud but with each tent he checked, his shoulders seemed to slump.

He turned away from the last one, and his eyes searched the remaining women waiting their turn in the tents. He shook his head slightly, and Ash, who stood beside him, laid a hand on his shoulder and murmured something in his ear.

Whatever he said must not have set well with Liam, as he pulled away and stalked off.

Jazz sighed and shook her head as if she knew what was happening and it had saddened her.