“Call me Ash. And you wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t sure of your trustworthiness. And while I believe what you say is true, I hope you’ll understand that we’ll want to see the finished film before anyone else.”

“We can definitely arrange that. I have several other sources who can’t be identified and have asked for the same consideration. Understand, of course, that I won’t be open to changing the content of the film, but I will work with any concerns you have about anything that you think could identify your organization or its operatives.”

“Good enough. Now, seems to me you’ve gotten on the bad side of someone.”

“It’s not the first time.”

“Probably not. People who risk showing the underbelly of humanity often end up with enemies. This one seems particularly determined.”

“I’ll admit the cameras and bugs in my house were a shock.”

“Serena described finding some of the most expensive gadgets on the market, including a couple that are still in the testing stage. Someone is determined to find out what you know.”

Only by the tightening of her jaw did Aubrey give any indication that she was disturbed.

He hadn’t intended to spring their theory of Lawrence Medford’s death yet. This woman had endured several shocks today. One more might shut her down completely. But from her reaction, she wasn’t getting it yet. These people would go far beyond bugging a house to stop her. Should he tell her how far?

Wanting Jules’s take, he sent her a subtle, questioning look. She nodded, telling him she thought he should proceed.

“There’s more.”

“More?” Aubrey asked.

“Lawrence Medford.”

“What about Lawrence?”

“His death wasn’t an accident.”

“I don’t understand.”

Time for bluntness. “He was murdered.”

If she had been pale before, she was almost translucent now. He’d had his own experience with hearing bad news. Best thing to do was get it out as quickly as possible to begin processing.

“We’ve obtained video feed of someone going into Medford’s house and letting those snakes loose.”

“Snakes? I thought there was just one.”

“There were at least four, maybe more.”

She stared into space several seconds. Ash waited her out. Shock was like that. While your mind was numb, every reasonable explanation came knocking at you, trying to change your mind about the truth. Eventually, you allowed them in, but first you had to deal.

“I don’t understand. Why would anyone want to kill Lawrence? That’s just…” Her eyes widened, and her head shook in rapid jerks of denial. “You think he was murdered because he was going to produce and fund my film?”


“But that’s ludicrous. Taking him out of the picture only delayed me. It didn’t stop the project. If someone wants to stop the film, why not just kill me?”

“We don’t know the answer to that.”

“Then isn’t it possible he was killed because he angered someone completely unrelated to my film? Medford wasn’t the easiest person to get along with. I’m sure he had his share of enemies.”

“That’s true and we’re checking into those. But Medford being murdered the day before you were scheduled to meet with him for a second time about your film seems too coincidental. Add that to the bugs and cameras in your home…” He trailed off, allowing her to absorb his inference.

She blew out a shaky sigh. “All right, I agree those things do seem odd, but odd coincidences happen all the time.”

Ash saw no other way than to lay it on the table. “I’ve been at this a long time, Aubrey. My gut is telling me you’ve found something, maybe something you don’t even know you’ve found. But there is someone who’s willing to do whatever it takes to stop you. We need to identify him and find a way to stop him before he does something more.”