The sound of that one word was so arrogant he wanted nothing more than to reach through the phone and strangle the caller.

His mind scrambled for an answer that would satisfy. “Medford’s death destroyed her chances of getting it made. She doesn’t have enough capital on her own. And there’s no one else in the industry who will back her. The film will never get made.”

“My sources have told me she’s found someone outside the industry.”

“Who? I haven’t heard of such a thing.”

“I don’t believe it’s my job to give you information.”

“Perhaps not, but as we’re on the same side, why wouldn’t you?”

“Are we on the same side?”

He closed his eyes. No. They weren’t on the same side. Hadn’t been for years, if ever. If he could, he would destroy this bastard and everything he stood for. But that was the problem—he couldn’t destroy him. He had no choice but to comply.

“I’ve done everything that’s been asked of me.”

“Do we really need to examine the blatant lies in that one statement?”

“That was a mistake…it won’t happen again. It hasn’t. I’ve complied with all requests since then.”

“Oh, we’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. We know where you sleep at night. More importantly, we know where the ones you love sleep.”

The man waited for a response, but breathlessness kept him from giving one.

Completely uncaring that the words had stabbed him in the chest, the man continued, “I’m sure you’ll hear the news about her new backer soon. You’ll know what to do. Correct?”

Everything within him froze. Know what to do? Was he serious?

“Remember, we gave you fair warning.”

Panic zoomed through him. “I’ll find a way to stop her. I promise.”

“We shall see. If not, then…”

The man left it at that. There was no need to finish the sentence. He knew full well what could happen. He had witnessed it firsthand. He carried that guilt around with him every second of every single day.

“Goodbye. Enjoy your vacation.”

Enjoy his vacation? As if there was anything in his life that he could actually enjoy. That dream had ended years ago.

The call had ended, but the voice remained in his head. That same voice, or one just like it, had been calling the shots in his life for as long as he could remember.

When would it end? When would it ever end?

Chapter Twenty

The touchdown was light, and as the plane taxied down the runway, Serena gave Aubrey a reassuring smile. “You’ve been a trouper, and we really appreciate your cooperation, but there’s just one more thing.”

“What’s that?”

Jazz handed her a blindfold. “We’re not that far from the airport, so you won’t have to wear it for long.”

Telling herself she’d come too far to cry foul now, Aubrey quietly took the blindfold and covered her eyes.

As she walked down the stairs of the plane with Serena beside her, telling her when to step, she tried to use her other senses to determine where she might be. The air was chilly, almost icy, at least twenty degrees cooler than Florida. It also felt thinner and drier. She wasn’t given much time outside, but was urged into a vehicle, and then they were off. The drive to their destination didn’t take long. Maybe fifteen minutes.

The instant they parked, she said, “Okay if I remove the blindfold?”