an a little surprised, Aubrey considered her options, which weren’t many. If she didn’t go, she wouldn’t be allowed to go on the rescue. Not only did the film need this kind of in-depth look at a real-life rescue, she needed the experience for herself.

“How long will I need to be gone?”

For the first time, she saw surprise in both their faces. She didn’t know if it was because of her quick acquiescence, or if they just weren’t prepared for the question.

“Possibly a couple of weeks, maybe more.”

“That’s a long time to be away.”

“Our people go through months of training. You’ll only get the basics in that amount of time.”

“Okay…all right. I’ll go pack.”

She showered quickly and was dressed in a matter of minutes. Gathering her clothes and toiletries together didn’t take long either. Traveling extensively, she knew how to pack with both speed and efficiency. She used the rest of that time to gather the notes and research from her safe. Even though the lockbox was hidden, and she had felt comfortable leaving it here before, she knew the information was no longer secure. Wherever she went, her findings would go with her.

Bags packed, she went out of the bedroom to the kitchen, and was surprised to find both women taking care of the few dishes they’d used for the coffee.

“Hope you don’t mind,” Serena sent her a bright smile. “My mom was a stickler for leaving the kitchen in pristine condition before we left the house.”

“Not at all. I appreciate it. I’m ready to go when you all are.”

Hanging the kitchen towel on its peg, Jazz said, “We’re ready, too.”

They were almost at the door when Serena said, “Mind if I use the restroom before we go?” She scrunched her nose. “I hate those tiny bathrooms on the plane.”

“Not at all. Down the hall, second door on the right.”

“Great. I’ll lock up for you and hit the alarm on the way out.”

Following Jasmine, Aubrey went to their sporty SUV and loaded her suitcase in the back. She got into the backseat, unsurprised to see Jasmine slide in behind the wheel. She got the impression that the woman might be a bit of a control freak. Being one herself, Aubrey recognized like kind.

After a strained silence, Jasmine said, “You live here long?”

Aubrey hid a sympathetic smile. Awkward wasn’t a term she would have originally applied to Jasmine McAlister, but there was no doubt of it now. She had a feeling the young woman wasn’t much for small talk.

“Only a couple of years. I love the history here, the old buildings, gorgeous trees. I’ve filmed a couple of my documentaries here, for background mostly, but it makes a beautiful setting.”

Jazz nodded and then was silent.

Aubrey cleared her throat. She usually had no issues carrying on a conversation but had to admit to some awkwardness herself. “Both Kate and Serena call you Jazz. Is that what you prefer?”


“All right.”

The instant Serena came out of the house, she heard a relieved heartfelt sigh from the woman behind the wheel. Yes, definitely not a small-talker.

“Let’s go. Just got a text. Plane’s ready to go.” Buckling her seat belt, Serena sent a small smile toward Aubrey. “Better buckle up. It might get bumpy.”

Jazz drove through the streets as if she’d lived in St. Augustine all her life. In a surprisingly short period of time, they arrived at the airport. The SUV turned down a small access road and Jazz drove through the gate with a casual wave toward the man at the gatehouse. They traveled several more yards toward a large private jet.

Aubrey didn’t know if she should feel honored or worried. Transporting her to an unknown location in a private jet seemed a bit extreme. Why go to so much trouble for someone who’d just asked to tag along on a rescue?

Leaning on an elbow, Serena turned to the backseat. “You’re looking anxious and you shouldn’t be. We don’t have any ops going this week, so we scored the jet. Any other time, we’d probably be traveling commercial.”

“When will I get to learn about who ‘we’ are?”

“When we learn who you are,” Jazz answered.